Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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2006-01-13 12:05 AM Thud! I'll leave the title for a moment ... well the visit to Perth was interesting. A group of musicians was playing in the shopping area... South American indian music, Peruvian, Bolivian perhaps, flutes etc .. and on a dullish day with just the odd bit of sunlight it could be heard throughout the afternoon. I wonder why they do it... come thousands of miles from their mountains and deserts to play to a largely unnapreciative audience? I liked their music very much, kinda says something about what an odd species we are that can relate to tunes and harmonies before we can relate to people.
An excellent lunch, Italian, delicious simple healthy food, well prepared and impeccably served in a nearly empty restaurant. A window table (obviously) and watching people pass by on the old street outside. I like people watching, although it isn't exactly an undemanding pastime. The young man in T-shirt and jeans striding out on what was not a warm day. It was only when he was opposite I saw that he was an amputee, and then only because he was wearing those jeans that end just below the knee. If he had been wearing longer jeans, I could not have told from his gait which was lively and quick and confident. The middle aged lady in what looked like a felt jacket, floppy hat, culottes and felt shoes, all of the same dull grey colour, her head bent against the wind. The tall man in a blue and black anorak carrying a file of papers and wearing thick black soled shoes accosted by a plainly dressed lady and berated soundly about something important to her. Who are these people? Who needs street theatre when such interesting characters appear without bidding? Oh yes, Thud. It is the title of the latest Terry Pratchett novel, funny, amusing, amazingly satirical and the absolutely best antidote to the black dogs of winter. Buy it, borrow it, steal it but above all read it. Pratchett deserves at least a knighthood for his unfailing dedication to keeping away the blues, or any other colour, including octarine. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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