Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Sad Read/Post Comments (1) |
2006-04-03 2:36 AM A life lost I had an e-mail this evening telling me of the death of a well beloved aunt. For various reasons I haven't seen her for about ten years. No specific reason, we have either been separated by distance or on the few occasions we have been near, other things and people have taken precedence.
Families grow apart, for all sorts of reasons. No one's fault, it just happens. We forget, move on in our lives, leave people and places behind when we should be more careful, more dutiful, more respectful of the people who have helped us on our way. I remember sitting on her knee and her reading stories to me when I was three or four years old. It was wartime and the old range served both as heater and as cooker in our small house. I had two aunts who read to me. The other aunt is still alive. I must make a point of thanking her before it is too late for either of us. We must all die sometime. I hope that when it happens to me I can summon up the courage and the energy to be thankful for all the people who I have loved and who have loved me. We don't choose our family and they don't choose us, but it is surprising how, in spite of many problems, the family is still the best thing we have, whether we see them or not, they are usually there for us when we need them. So goodbye Auntie. It wasn't an easy life, but that is never part of the contract. At that instant you went from the "now" into the "then" you were loved and that is all any of us can ask for. When it comes my turn to press Ctrl+Alt+Del and close down the machine for good, remember me too. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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