Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Grumpy Read/Post Comments (0) |
2006-05-25 2:10 AM GOM GOM's (Grumpy Old Men), of which I didn't count myself as amongst their number in spite of uxorial assurances that I most certainly am, have a certain view of the human condition born out of long years of failed optimism. This need not turn one into a cynic, but it often does, so here are a few observations on the state of the world as we are currently expected to endure it in this year of Our Lord, two thousand and six.
- Is it not ironic that more people will learn about Christianity because of the da Vinci Code than have ever done so from every priest who has ever lived? - If anyone had found the Holy Grail, the Home Office would have probably lost it! - In Britain, the government department charged with Immigration Control (ie the very same Home Office) has a) no idea how many are here legaly or otherwise, b) releases illegals from prison who have comitted serious crimes so they can murder and rape again rather than deporting them and c)has either deliberately lied to the public about the extent of the problem, or been so incompetent that virtually every figure it has released about the immigration problem has been inaccurate. What is your estimate of this same government coming forward in the near future with the suggestion that an amnesty is granted to all illegals because that is the only way to get control of the problem? - In order to get sacked from the Home Office you have to be truthful and competent. Unfortunately no such person satisfying these criteria exists within this same Department, judging by the lack of resignations or sackings from the Home Office over the present debacle. - For years anyone who raised the problem of illegal immigration into the UK has been labelled a racist by the same government who have allowed the present state of chaos to develop. Now the evidence of incompetence in the management of immigration is incontravertible, is it all down in black and white? - All governments reach a point at which their credibility is so low even they stop believing in what they say. - Mrs Cherie Blair is reported to have autographed a copy for auction of the Hutton Report on the suicide of Dr Kelly who told the truth about Blair's activities prior to the invasion of Iraq. Apparently she saw nothing wrong in doing so. Perhaps Tony Blair's ultimate punishment is to have to live with Cherie. Perhaps hers is to have to live with him. Perhaps ours is to put up with both of them. - And lastly, in America, George Dubyah is reinforcing the border with Mexico against the hordes of illegal immigrants who want to work and live in the USA. Apparently this is easier than persuading Americans to go out in the field and pick their own damn vegetables. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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