The Koyote's Den

Bi-anual entry!!!
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Ok, here we go. I haven't been able to access the page because of work's (the Marine Corps) fire wall... OK, I admit that I have issues with remembering how all of this computer "stuff" really works. (I've been busy flying helicopters protecting the peopel of Japan... *LOL*)

OK, I went home to Cali in December to get the place ready for the squadron to return home, and low and behold, the war kicked off, and I got sent back to Japan. Woo Hoo! So I've been married for over 2 years and have a 14 month old son, and I've been away for... A F@#%ing YEAR!!! (actually, it'll be 13 months all told...)

So, I get to come home next month some time. ('Bout frigg'n time) So, if anyone actually reads this... get in touch. I'd love to see 'yall. (send email to kodyandjenny@cox.net - I have to figure out how to change my email at journalscape... god I'm becoming an anti-geek... god forbid! I WILL REFORM - I WILL REFORM)

Alright, I've got to get back to work! Oh, what's up w/ Kenny working at Google??? that rocks.. unfortunately it didn't sound perminent... oh well, guess I could "Reply" to the message. OK, rambling, must go.

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