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2004-12-28 10:00 AM After Christmas Snow! Mood: No sledding for me. Read/Post Comments (2) |
So...I was watching the Today Show this morning ofcourse during the horrific images from over the weekend of that Sunami killing all those people...scrolling on the bottom of the screen was "Liza Minelli is hospitalized from falling out of her bed during the night". Are you kidding me??? I was very relieved to know that Janet's (my sister in law) family who lives in Singapore is safe. Also, somewhat worried about my friends Jeff and Giao who went to Vietnam for Christmas and are travelling to Australia for New Years. I hope there safe and sound.
The snow. I somehow was very lucky traveling. I left New York the day after our snow/ice day last week and had no problems. I returned yesterday the day after a big snow both in Raleigh and New York thinking... A. Ugh. LaGuardia. LaGuardia whose planes are never on time. B. Ugh. RDU...I always get stuck at RDU. So here we go: 8:30am: Wake up. Groggy. 9:30am: Have oatmeal with my parents 10:00am: Embark on our very SLOW journey to my brother's apartment 10:03am: Made it up the driveway. Phew. 10:05am: Attempted to make it up the icy hill towards the highway 10:07am: Decided to coast down the hill to the other exit 10:08am: Turned onto the ever so famous Johnson Pond Road 10:10am: Approached 2 cars in a ditch and one in the middle of the road 10:11am: Stopped. 10:12am: Stuck. 10:15am: Car pulls up behind us. 10:17am: Car behind us puts gear in reverse and retreats 10:18am: Dad gets shovel out of car and breaks up the ice around the tires 10:19am: Those in ditch looking bored 10:21am: Dad climbs his way to the front of the car 10:22am: Dad makes his way to the other car blocking our way with the shovel...the suspense mounts. 10:24am: Dad reaches the car and breaks the ice up 10:25am: Three guys come to help ...one continues to slip...they decide to help the cars in the ditch. 10:26am: Big truck appraoches from behind zooming past us and around the other car 10:28am: Dad still breaking up ice around the car 10:30am: Dad makes his way back to Mom and I and one of the guys tries to help us. 10:33am: Dad puts the car in reverse...the front tires spin. 10:35am: The lady in the blocking car makes her way out from the middle of the street and takes off. 10:40am: Car comes racing around the corner skidding directly towards us. Dad's honking. People are screaming. 10:41am: Bad car slides in a ditch 10:42am: Mom and I are breathing normally again 10:44am: With the consistent help of a very nice neighbor, dad slowly gets the car to where we could get some traction 10:50am: We're actually moving!!! 10:51am: Sort of skidding... 10:52am: Passing others trying to get through... 10:55am: Turned onto the highway where it's smooth sailing until we reach the airport 10:57am: Phone Jason of our fun adventure and we won't be able to stop and see him. 11:30am: Arrive at RDU (early) :) 12:40pm: Hug parents goodbye and make way through security 12:50pm: Arrive at Gate only to find my flight departing at 1:40pm has been delayed to 2:20pm. 2:30pm: The actual time the plane gets to the airport 2:45pm: Sitting by a 16 year old who is en-route to new York but real destination is Paris. I hate him. 3:00pm: Take off for New York! 4:00pm: Rich kid sitting by me takes out his laptop. I hate him more. 5:00pm: Land ...land. 5:10pm: Get in crazy long line for cab 5:30pm: Get in cab 6:30pm: After bumper to bumper rush hour which would have been avoided if my flight was on-time and paying, what normally would have cost $25, the $40 charge...I arrive at my windy front door. 6:32pm: My doorman who was apparently very grateful for his tip this year, opens the door for me and brings my bags to me in the elevator. 6:35pm: I reach the apartment 6:36pm: I reach my bunny who kicks his way past me to his litterbox. 6:37pm: Bunny stops and runs back only to kiss me hello. 6:38pm: Bunny gets a Christmas treat ...the story ends in a late pizza, clean laundry, and my favorite a furry cuddle which is followed by an airborne bunny dance. Alls well! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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