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2007-04-11 3:43 PM Reviews - Part II Mood: Television Read/Post Comments (0) |
I have to do this in doses...if it was up to me I'd spend the whole day on my journal. Ohhh! I lied. A meeting I've been prepping for was just pushed to Friday so I can blab on all I want. Aww....lucky me. ;)
Okay... The Black Donnollys (NBC) - BIG FREAKIN' SNORE!!!!!!!!! I have to say...I'm soooo disappointed. I really wanted to like this series. The actors are all very good. The concept is...interesting. Actually, the first 10 minutes of the first episode were hilarious...very, very good. That was the best part of the 3 episodes I've seen combined. I shut off the 3rd episode half-way through....was so bored. The writing is OH so weak. There's no point. The characters are all incredibly pretentious and self-indulgent. There is no drive for them. It's a very sad waste of time. Next! The Tudors (SHOWTIME)- LOVE IT! I've seen now the first three episodes and am completly hooked! Jonathan Rhys Meyers really impressed me. Makes a very interesting Henry. I'm such a huge fan of Maria Doyle Kennedy who plays his wife (Queen Katherine). I don't like many actresses unless their name happens to be Glenn Close but I really liked her. Also loved her in "The Commitments". LOVE that movie!! Planet Earth (DISCOVERY CHANNEL) - FANFREAKINTABULOUS! Also addicted...as if you couldn't tell. I've DVR'd like 12 episodes so I have some catching up to do but the first episode ROCKED!!! The cinematography is flawless and the narration is very entertaining. With the fact that "Going Green" is now the new "fashion" (all the celebrities are doing it), I have no doubt this series will be around for a while. I was actually discussing this with my cousin who majored in environmental science...I'm going off on a tangent for a moment. I think it's funny that it's NOW considered "cool" to care about the earth. What makes my skin crawl is the fact that in our forgive and forget society how the "fad" will soon fade and we'll be back to over-indulging in our minimal resources because it takes to much work to do anything anymore. Ok...done...that's all I had to say. Oh and for all the teachers...this would be an awesome movie to show on a day when you forgot to prepare a lesson. This and Basic Instinct. Kidding...clearly. Ugly Betty (ABC) - STILL A FAN A quick note. I covered Ugly Betty in my review out earlier in the season and am still a very huge fan. The cast is all very key...love Vanessa Williams. She works it. The one bad apple is Rebecca Romaine (lack of Stamos). She's seriously dull! I really loved her in the XMEN movies but in her earlier series (I forget the name...that's how good it was) and Ugly Betty...she's...BLAHHHHHHHHH! She sucks at comedy. If you're not funny...you're not funny. I have that problem all the time! I am the one person in the world that can not tell a joke. Seriously. Can't do it. I think that's it for now..... Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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