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Read/Post Comments (7) ![]() ![]() ![]() Afternoons with Puppy by Dr. Aubrey Fine and Cynthia J. Eisen HeavyGlow Flash Fiction Anthology Edited by Stacy Taylor Blue by J.D. Riso. Also available at lulu ![]() |
2005-09-27 9:57 AM Thar She Blows ok, ok, i've held it in long enough. i tried not to stress about this shit, try not to get too worked up, but sometimes when things happen in your immediate sphere of life, the other shit just bubbles out.
dubya has just asked the american people to become "conservers" of energy. conservers? is that really a word? it's so hard to tell with that below average mush mouth. i would look it up, but my dictionary has disappeared into the vast void that is hadi. anytime i give her something as a reference, she prompty carries it away to her room and i never see it again. anyhow, here's some advice for dubya. why don't YOU quit jetting around in your private publically subsidized aircraft and stay your ass at washington and actually do some work, for a change. and guess what dubya, you are NOT a texan. you grew up a blue blood, silver spoon sucking east coaster. you weren't born in texas, you didn't grow up in texas, you didn't go to school in texas and buying a ranch in texas does not make you a texan. so drop the john wayne act. and btw, if you were texan, you sure as hell wouldn't say "you all" instead of "ya'll" proof positive you're just playing cowboy. in other words, you're a fake, a fake texan, a fake military man, a fake ceo, a fake president. the only thing that keeps you alive is that fact that cheney is a far more dangerous prospect as president. a big hurrah to cindy sheehan. a hundred thousand anti-war protesters showed up in d.c. while only about 20,000 pro-war people showed up. i'm sick of the argument that those KIDS are fighting for our freedom. hey i understand that you don't want to think your kids are dying for nothing, but goddamn, it's time to face facts here folks. exactly what freedom are they fighting for? the freedom to drive our gas-guzzling suvs to the mall to buy $175 nike shoes(that were made by children in some third world country for about $2 a pair), or is it the freedom to invade a country that did nothing to us in the guise of protecting us?(our government pulled the oldest scam in the book, the ole bait and switch) or perhaps it's the freedom to kill 100,000 innocent iraqis based on a lie? maybe it's for our freedom of press, the same media that refused to ask the hard questions leading up to that war for fear they'd lose advertising dollars and alienate the post-911 nationalist public. our press isn't "free", it's really just a state-run propaganda machine.(see the documentary, WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception, very inligtening) i know, i know, it's the freedom to choose who we want in our elections. yeah, right. george carlin(tho i heard it from hubby first) said it best when he said our elections are just an illusion of freedom. an illusion of choice. why else would it always come down to a pussy or an asshole(for an explanation of that analogy, i refer you to the movie Team America, by the strangely insightful South Park guys) and in case you didn't notice, cindy sheehan didn't have the freedom to SIT on the damn sidewalk in front of the white house. apparently, it's ok to stand, and ok to stand in large, protesting groups, but god dammit, don't you dare sit down. Restaurant and bar owners don't have the freedom of choice to make their establishments smoking or non-smoking. over half the population doesn't have the freedom to go to the damn doctor when they need to. they do however, have the freedom of choosing to buy medication or food, because god knows they can't do both. hell, we live in a capitalistic society, but we don't have the freedom to buy our drugs in another country for less money. so much for free enterprise and capitalism. ok, ok, now it's on to the mouth breathing idiots that make up my home area of the country. if anyone ever wonders why i have such a love/hate relationship with the south, you have only to see the documentary The Army of God. These inbred mouthbreathers are the ones that think it's ok to murder to stop murder. they're the ones that go around shooting abortion doctors and firebombing clinics all because god called them to do this. hey, does this rhetoric sound familiar? don't we have a president who believes it's a divine mandate from god that not only put him in office for a second term, but allowed him to invade iraq? and hey, isn't that the argument that bin laden uses in his jihad? isn't he killing thousands of innocent people, not just the western "infidels" but his own people, because god tells him it's ok? and let's can the damn racism talk, can we? while those poor black folks were rescued from new orleans several weeks ago, white and black folks alike are still waiting for help in Louisianna and Mississippi. STILL WAITING from Katrina, not Rita, KATRINA. which brings me to my next point. after seeing the devastation of katrina, why the fuck would you decide to ride rita out? listen, if you didn't leave, that's just natural selection at work. if you were afraid of looters, consider that no possession is worth losing your life over. lordy. we're a nation of idiots. speaking of natural selection, don't you love the new spiffy name they gave creationism? "intelligent design" there's nothing intelligent about that theory. listen, i'm not knocking it, but let's be realists. intelligent design is, in reality, faith. plain and simple. and to try and discredit evolution, which has some scientific fact(but is after all still a theory)by renaming creationism "intelligent design" is simply self-serving and ludicrious. man, do you hear that? sshhhh, listen closely. that's the sound of darwin and darrow rolling over in their graves. and now, closer to home. i have once again been bitten for simply trying to be nice. dear, sweet, innocent, not a hateful bone in her body hadi said it best when she said, "there are just some people you can't be nice to. you've learned a valuable lesson." i'm sure there is more i could rant and rave about, but right now, i'm as spent as a priest at a boy scout jamboree. Read/Post Comments (7) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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