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Jamming is so much fun!
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I went to the Roaring Camp Bluegrass Festival today and heard some mediocre bands and some good bands. And then after the bands were all done playing, my sister and I wandered around and did some jamming. It was SO MUCH FUN! The fun part is that I'm getting a lot better, so I can really jam with people now. I still can't do much in the way of soloing (and what I can do I won't do yet in public), but I am playing (for me) really good rhythm guitar. Fast chord changes and all. And tonight I even sang one without getting nervous or shaky or anxious at all. Yay!

And, also exciting in the musical arena, I tried harmonizing with Jessie on "Low and Lonely," and came up with a mostly good harmony part, which I have never done before. So I think we're going to work on it some more and see if I can't come up with something I can sing with her all the time, which would be very, very cool.

Okay, it's 1:09 am, and I should go to sleep now. I've got a ton of laundry and grammar correction to do tomorrow, and I'm picking Jed up at SFO at around 8:00 tomorrow evening. I'd like to go back out to Roaring Camp, but with the laundry and the homework corrections, I don't know if that's such a good idea. We'll see.

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