Lola My Journal 10650 Curiosities served |
2005-06-17 10:13 PM No more pencils, no more books... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) ...No more teachers' dirty looks... Oh wait. I'm the teacher. Oops. Well, I guess that means I won't be giving my students dirty looks anymore? Seriously, though, today was the last official day of the 2004-2005 school year. I worked my tail off trying to finish printing and binding the yearbook so the kids could have it today. I finished it at 3:00 and took all the copies over to the pool party one of my students was having for her classmates. So, hooray! After somewhere between 9 and 12 total hours of printing and more printing and purchasing more color cartridges and more printing and then some binding, the yearbook is done.
They did such a fabulous job with it -- I'm pretty awestruck, actually, with how dedicated they were to the project, and just really how dedicated they've been to school in general. In my speech at the 8th grade graduation a couple of days ago, I thanked the administration of my school for "not only giving me a job nine years ago, but two years ago giving me the best job in the world." And that's really how I feel. I mean, there are times when it drives me nuts, and times when the gossipy crap amongst the staff drives me even more nuts, but the truth of the matter is, I have a great job. If it paid about $30K more a year, it'd be a practically perfect job. Actually, if it paid even $10K more a year, it would be practically perfect. It really sucks that I can't make a comfortable living wage at what I love, and what I do well. I know I'm a good teacher (at least most of the time, when I'm not giving the kids dirty looks, that is!), and I love being a Montessori teacher. And the thing is, I wish I could do it for free. I wish that I could do what I do for kids whose parents don't have the money to afford the tuition at my school. And our tuition isn't that high for a private school in the area, and plus, we're a non-profit, so it could be worse. But still. I have to be able to afford to buy food and pay rent and go to bluegrass festivals. Is that all sounding contradictory? I think it _is_ kind of conradictory. Maybe next time I get married it should be to somebody with lots of money. :) I could wear a t-shirt that says, "Gold-digger and proud of it!" like that woman who was on The Bachelor eons ago. Okay, okay, that's really not who I am. So who am I? Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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