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Summer is here!
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I accidentally wrote "Sumer is here!" the first time. Like a TV commercial for a New Age soft drink or something. :)

So now I know how to link to various places, and I'm all excited to do it and I can't remember any of the sites I wanted to link to. Sigh. Well, hopefully I won't have forgotten Jed's EXCELLENT lesson by the time I have something to link to.

Yes, summer is here, and it's glorious. I spent a good portion of today attempting to post (and sometimes succeeding) flyers at various acupuncturists and other alternative practitioners' offices. Jessica and I made a list and drove around Soquel and Capitola. We made a good team, actually, because I tend to get really flustered trying to drive to places I'm not totally familiar with, especially in cities, and especially if it involves parking, but I'm an excellent navigator. And Jessie (though she has had some occasional disagreements with curbs and things while parking) is fine for driving and all that, but gets really flustered when she tries to read maps and direct people. So she drove and I navigated. But we decided that it would be better if we took their Prius (which has the handy-dandy navigation system) instead of my car, both because of the GPS and also because of her unfortunate tendency to scrape wheels and fenders while parking or unparking.

Oh -- I forgot to say what the flyers were all about! Well, here's my chance to try to make a link. Jessie and I take a fabulous Qi Gong class at Five Branches Institute in Santa Cruz. It's amazing. Our instructor, Lee Holden, is amazing too. He's just got this wonderful compassionate, healing energy, and he's a really good teacher. Anyway, his teacher, Mantak Chia, is teaching two workshops in July (note the sidebar on Lee's website and the info on the Five Branches site), and Jessie and I are posting flyers in exchange for a discount on the fees for the Cosmic Healing workshop. I won't be attending the Sexual Alchemy workshop (although it sounds fascinating) because I'll be at the Good Old Fashioned Bluegrass Festival jamming away.

Ohmigod, that was like Link City there. And I thought I didn't have anything to link to!

I did have to go check out what I had done to make italics; I forgot the forward slash before the second "i," which made the whole rest of my entry in italics for a while there. And I didn't put a forward slash in the second "a" brackets for the links, but it doesn't seem to have mattered. I wonder if that's just JournalScape taking care of it(in other words, me using lousy HTML), or if it doesn't matter in that case, because of the quotation marks. I dunno'. I'll check it out for next time.

Okay, anybody else who is familiar with HTML probably is totally bored by this, but I'm new to it all, so it's pretty exciting for me. So there. :)

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