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Cosmic healing
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So today in the Cosmic Healing Qi Gong workshop I had someone cut my aura with a cosmically charged "almighty knife." And then he "cut" my eyes and my knee. Nothing different happened with my eyes, but my left knee (which I had somehow tweaked yesterday, and which had been pretty sore this morning) felt a lot better afterwards. The idea is that this cosmically charged knife acts to focus and direct universal energy in a "cutting away" process which removes negativity, sickness or bad fortune, guided by the consciousness of the wielder. Some of this stuff is way too woo-woo for me, but I've been pretty much up for doing most of it, figuring it certainly can't hurt. And in today's healing exercise with the cutting, I was able to feel my knee popping away, and to become aware of little places where I could relax it and make tiny muscular adjustments to help it to free up. So I don't know how much of it was the other person's intent and energy, and how much was my own, but whatever it was, it worked, so I'm not going to complain.

I did decide to bail out on the afternoon session, though... I've gone to both the morning and afternoon of the last two days, and it's pretty intense. Master Chia has a lot of really interesting stuff to say, but he also does a lot of talking about movies he's seen (I think usually in-flight; he travels for about six months of the year) and sometimes about politics or religion or his vision of the future of cloning, or the ancient practices of monks with virgin girls (today he mentioned virgin girls about four times) and there's only so much of that I can really tolerate. After having lunch and a walk on the beach with my mom, outside in the ocean air, I just couldn't bear to stay in the stuffy room to listen to more on why "Aliens" and "Rambo" are relevant to a modern healing practice.

This whole workshop has turned out to be fairly different than I expected. I had assumed that it would be four days of something like Lee's Monday night Qi Gong class: lots of gentle movement and visualization and relaxation. It does have lots of visualization and relaxation, but apparently there are three main branches of Qi Gong, medical, cosmic, and martial, and what I do with Lee is more medical. What we're doing with Mantak Chia is cosmic Qi Gong. It's really designed for bodywork and healing practitioners to learn more about how to do external healing of other people's internal organs and parts. And it's pretty woo-woo. Not nearly as much actual Qi Gong stretching movements as I had hoped.

So it's not as fabulous as I had been anticipating, but I'm definitely getting something out of it. And if anybody I know wants their aura pruned, just let me know.

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