Lola My Journal 10660 Curiosities served |
2005-07-12 9:29 PM Official apartment dweller, I Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) I have paid money, I have signed a lease, I have sniffed and found no mildew, I have received keys. I am an Official Apartment Dweller! I haven't actually moved any stuff in yet. And my mailbox keys still don't work. Apparently I have to call the Post Office, because the mailboxes belong to the Feds, not to the apartment complex. The keys I got were the ones the previous tenant had, and probably the P.O. people changed the lock because of the change in tenantship. I guess. Anyway, I'll call them tomorrow.
The other thing I'm going to do tomorrow is go to the Social Security office with my little Dissolution of Marriage paper and get my name changed back! Yay! And then I will get to go to the DMV and wait in line for hours to get a new driver's license. I'm hoping if I go at a weird time, like 2:00 in the afternoon or something, it won't be too bad. After the lunch break, before people get off of work. I didn't make an appointment, but as I recall from the last time I was at the DMV, the non-appointment line moved faster than the appointment line. I'll just bring a book to read. I have to remember to bring a copy of the lease with me as proof of new address. And also make sure my hair is cute. And maybe put on some lipstick or something. My last driver's license picture was so awful (passport picture, too). I mean, it's not that I expect those pictures to be fabulous (although my previous passport picture, taken at age 20, was VERY cute), but in my most recent set, I look old, tired and depressed, frankly. I look like I'm a 45 year old housewife who drinks too much. Funny how being deeply unhappy can affect how one looks. So, now that I'm all happy and perky looking again, it's time for a new round of photos. Plus, my license is going to expire on Thursday, so it would be a good thing to get a new one. I wonder if I'll have to take the written test? I wonder if I'll pass it? :) Let's see: the red light is at the bottom of the stoplight. Or is it the top? Maybe it's the top after all. I'll have to notice when I go out tomorrow. Signal 100 feet before turning. SMOG when changing lanes (Signal, Mirror, look Over shoulder, Go, I think). Don't drive under the influence. Slow down when weather is bad. Don't run over anybody. Okay, I'll do fine. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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