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More birthday fun
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The other fabulous thing that happened on my birthday (besides breakfast with Jed, pink toenails, John Hiatt and a new car), was I got great birthday phone calls:

Liz called and wished me a happy birthday even though she was going to see me in half an hour for pedicures (she also arranged for flowers to be delivered to my house, on behalf of my school).

My mom called and told me good stories about when I was born. She said the night before I was born she knew I was coming soon, and she was worried she'd go into labor in the middle of the night, but then all of a sudden she just relaxed and felt certain that she and I were going to have a restful night and I wouldn't come until morning. And we did. And I didn't. She woke up in the morning, went into labor shortly thereafter, and a couple of hours later I was born. On my due date, no less. Apparently, after she and my dad arrived at the hospital (they were visiting my aunt in Berkeley at the time), they were brought into a delivery room so the nurse could check how dilated my mom was. While they were prepping her for that, my dad said he'd wanted to bring some jazz tapes along, and he'd left them at my aunt's house, so he was going to go back and get them. The nurse took one look at my mom's, er, dilation, and told him he'd better not, 'cause she was having that baby NOW. My dad later sent out a card or cards announcing my birth which said, "Just like pulling laundry from the dryer," or something to that effect. And now, I just feel smug at having been such an easy baby to give birth to!

My brother called and sang me the Happy Birthday song really fast and silly, and then told me how much he loved me.

My dad and his girlfriend Ayn called and left me a voicemail. I grabbed the phone just as it stopped ringing, so I didn't listen, I just called them back. My dad said, "Did you listen to the message?" When I said no, and explained what had happened, he and Ayn played me the Happy Birthday song on kazoo (including the "...and many more..." part). :) Later, I listened to the message. It turned out there were two. The first time, the kazoo song got cut off by them accidentally hanging up, I think. The second time, the kazoo song got cut off by them cracking up, and then they finished it, giggling.

Mich called from New York and left a very funny message on my voicemail asking in a very official, serious voice about purchasing pasties.

The great thing about having my birthday when it is, is I just get to celebrate it for days and weeks on end. This afternoon I got a birthday call from Cynthia (who'd been stuck at a bad convention thingy), and when I got home there were flowers waiting (the ones from my work). And of course the party is coming up too. All good things (except Cynthia having to go to a stupid and sucky conference).

Yay for good things.

Yay for my friends and family, who are wonderful. I love you guys, and I'm really glad to be on this earth and having you in my life.

And a special birthday yay for my mom and dad, without whom I wouldn't be here. Thanks for having me. Thanks for being my Mommy and Daddy. I love you both endlessly.

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