Lola My Journal 10665 Curiosities served |
2005-07-19 12:16 AM The move continues Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) This is gonna' be short, 'cause it's after midnight, and I really ought to be snoring by now. Of course, I don't really snore. Never. Not me. Not even once. Despite what my ex-husband says.
Ahem. Anyway, my bedroom over here at Jessie & Stewart's looks mighty emptier... and it still seems crowded! It's probably only because two of the four walls are filled floor to ceiling with their books and CDs (which they have been since before I moved in), and the third wall has a closet full of my clothes and artwork and boxes, as well as the exit door and a floor to ceiling shelf with a bunch of my crap on it. The fourth wall has windows. And the bed. But what you can see now that hasn't been visible for awhile is, ta da, the floor! Or at least part of it. For a while there, there was only about four square feet of floor showing. Okay, maybe five. But now there's all of, let's see, maybe 40 square feet of floor visible? Gosh, sometimes I'm so entertaining, I just can't believe it. Didn't you all want to know about floors? Well, whyever not? Again, ahem. But today was a good day. I moved a good-sized load of stuff over with my sister, I took an almost 2 hour nap, and I went to Qi Gong. Tomorrow, it's Target and moving the bed. And the rest of my clothes. And whatever else I can manage. I have my Bryn Mawr lantern to hang up on my patio, too! I suppose if I could always use that as a drinking glass, if I really need to. Although probably the glass is leaded. Never mind. Okay, I'm completely rambling now (plus, I'm making lots of typos and having to go back and fix 'em), so it's time for me to attempt sleep. If only that blasted mockingbird would shut the f*** up. We have an insomniacal mockingbird in our backyard -- it mocks from around 8 or 9 at night until around 2 or 3 in the morning, and then again from about 5 to 8 or 9-ish. Thank god for earplugs or I'd go completely insane. I suppose it's vaguely possible that they're actually nocturnal. Anybody know? Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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