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2005-07-28 9:20 PM Cars, couches and accoutrements Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) So, I spent the day shopping, pretty much, and taking care of some new car business. I had ordered a Prius from Toyota Sunnyvale on my birthday (BIG birthday present to self, hooray!), and had given them a $500 credit card deposit, and never received the email confirmation the salesguy assured me he would send. So I thought I'd drop in today and ask him for some kind of receipt, and make sure my car had been ordered, and also talk to him about trading in my current car. He's a youngish guy, 30, and I was looking awfully cute in my new pink and black diagonally striped sundress, so he was rather flustered. Which in and of itself was amusing. Ah, boys. Anyway, he had, in fact, ordered my car, and had a credit card receipt for me, and spent an extremely long time telling me all about how and when ordered cars come in, and how they just get allocated the number of cars they've ordered, but not necessarily the same colors and options... weird. But in the last allocation, both the white Prii orders with the BC package that were in front of me came in, so I'm first on the list as soon as they get another one, which will hopefully be in their next allocation, arriving mid-August. He said he'll know by early next week sometime what the allocation is. Yay! I also did talk to him about trade-in value, which is basically the Kelley Blue Book trade-in value minus $400 (or more if there is significant damage). So, I'll try listing it first and see if I can sell it privately with not too much hassle (trade in's about $2,000 less than what KBB says is the private party value). And if I can't do it easily, I'll trade it in. $2K is a lot of money. That's like, a new couch, an armchair, a couple dressers and a bookshelf or two. Okay, maybe not the bookshelves, if you include tax on the other stuff. But still.
Speaking of couches and armchairs, I found a set I really liked at Levitz today. It's their Venezia Collection, which is all cushy and red and microfiber velvety. It's like sitting on a great big stuffed red stuffed animal. So yummy! And this weekend they're having a sale, so if I don't find something else better and/or cheaper before Monday, I'm going to buy it. Y'know, I'm buying a lot of stuff these days. I'm such a friggin' consumer. Well, I have to do my part to prevent terrorism, right? Blurgh. Seriously, though, I feel really strange buying all these new things (see, Jed, I used the em tag instead of the i tag!). But when I look at the used ones out there, I just don't like them very much. So I'm torn between wanting to reduce, reuse, recycle (which I try to do whenever I can) and wanting to buy myself some fabulous and stylish new furniture to celebrate the beginning of my new life as a single person who gets to decorate her house however the frell she wants to without consulting or compromising with anyone else. I think I'm going for the hot cushy sexy yummy delicious red couch and maybe a chair if I have room for it. But I did put back the ridiculously priced rubber spatula that was $10 only because it was pink. I had it in my cart at Bed, Bath & Beyond today, but I told the checker to take it back. And I'm going to return the $40 shower curtain and one of the $15 bath mats I bought, too. See, there's $65 towards the couches already! :) Okay, technically I can't count the pink spatula because I didn't actually buy it, but I was gonna', really I was. If it had been $4, I would have bought it. Okay, I'm now on the second page of my word document, so I think I should stop writing and go home to unpack my carful of purchases. I'm still using Jessie & Stewart's wireless, 'cause I'm a big dork who hasn't ordered her broadband service yet. Or cable. Well, one of these days I'll be all hooked up technologically. Really. I will. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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