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2005-11-24 11:35 PM Congratulations, Auntie Mich! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) I got an email from Mich this morning that said she is a new auntie! Her brother's wife had the baby, Sophia Marie, yesterday morning. Yay, Mich! Yay, Sophia's mommy! Yay, Sophia's daddy! And especially: Yay, Sophia!!!
Also, though not nearly so exciting, the pies turned out fine. Delicious, actually. Although the apple pie had too much cinnamon. Not so much that it tasted bad, just enough so that it tasted a little more cinammony than I prefer. It was a good Thanksgiving. We had delicious food, good company, and no one was obnoxious or cried. Well, I think both of my nephews cried at some point, but they're not even 5 yet, so that's to be expected. Ohmigod, Max said something hysterical today at dinner. I was sitting next to him, and he asked me nicely for another leek (we had roasted leeks), so I put one roasted leek leaf? strand? on his plate. He picked it up with his fingers and dangled it in front of his face, twirling it lightly over his plate. And said, to the leek, "Ah, Defender of Truth!" I was giggling so hard I almost fell off my chair. It's my new favorite saying. Oh, this Noble vegetable, Proud and roasted Leek, Defender of Truth! I'd say more, but that would involve too many uppercase letters. I think he must have gotten it from the Mickey and Donald comic books they've been reading like mad lately. Or rather, that their parents and other volunteers have been reading to them like mad lately, and which they have been "reading" (telling the stories they've memorized) to each other and to themselves a lot, too. I know there's at least one with a fantasy story (fantasy like science fiction/fantasy, not like made up, which duh, they already are) where Mickey becomes a superhero of some kind. Maybe it's from that. Anyway, they've also been saying great things like "Gadzooks!" "Jiminy Christmas!" and my favorite, "What in the ding-dong blazes...?" They're going to be five in January! Jiminy Christmas! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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