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Why does too much sun make you tired?
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I'm sleepy from being in the sun all afternoon at the Santa Cruz Bluegrass Faire. There were some local bands (okay, not great) and I had a good tickle fight with Maxwell and Griffin, so that was fun.

Tonight I'm going to a jam at Erik's house, and then I think S. and I are going out dancing. I've been aching to go out dancing; we've missed the last three weeks of salsa drop-in classes. Next week is the first class of our four week series, though, so that should be good.

The other big thing that's happening this coming week is that on Thursday I have a comprehensive eye exam and if it goes well, then on Friday at 1:00 I'm getting LASIK. Yay! I hope it turns out that I'm a good candidate. Dr. Cress (one of the top guys on the West Coast for LASIK; he's been doing these since before there was laser to do it with) thinks preliminarily that I'll be a good candidate, but only the eye exam (including mapping the topography of my eyes and measuring the tissue depth) will tell for sure. So we'll see. I want this so badly... I wasn't sure for a long time, but now I'm sure. 100% sure. I would so love to not have to wear glasses.

I got glasses for the first time when I was 2 years old, after eye surgery for being so cross-eyed I kept doing things like running into the refrigerator and missing the object I was reaching for. My right eye is still a tiny bit lazy, which I hope won't be a problem for getting LASIK. But I trust Dr. Cress, and I know he won't do the surgery unless it'll really help me.

Mmm... sleep.... I think I should take a nap now, 'cause I plan on staying up really, really late tonight. 'Course if I sleep, I'll probably wake up all groggy and disoriented and then I won't want to go to the jam. Ack! No good plan!

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