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Yay for Testarossa
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Liz took me wine tasting at Testarossa this afternoon after work. How friggin' cool is that! Her darling hubby works there now, so we got to hang with the winery folks behind the scenes a little bit. And drink, I mean taste, some great wine. My favorite today (though I didn't get to taste the whole menu, boo hoo) was the second Pinot Noir we tried, which I believe was the Santa Rita Hills Pinot. I think the La Cruz was the one that wasn't on the menu today that is Liz's favorite. Am I right, Liz? And by the way, THANK YOU!!!

Anyway, it was good fun, and the fun was only slightly marred by the horrific traffic I had to sit in to get home afterwards. (BTW, I really only did taste, and only small tastes of just a few wines, so I was okay to drive home. I'm very careful about these things.) But someone else was not so careful, because it's California and when it rains here after several weeks of sunshine, people forget how to drive. So somebody had apparently decided that it was okay to drive fast in the rain or something on Hwy 17, and their car ended up on its side, several feet down a mild embankment, leaning on a tree. I think everybody was okay, though, because the emergency people on the scene seemed fairly relaxed. I actually wasn't that bothered by having to go slow for a while. I had my headset on, I was chatting to my aunt who just had an emergency heart procedure on Tuesday (she's doing fine, just a little disoriented by the whole thing happening so fast), and I'd just had a lovely afternoon with friends. And I had nothing to rush over the hill for. So it was all good. Well, except for the people who wrecked their car.

I am now all caught up on Top Chef, and I only have three billion episodes of House to watch instead of the three billion and one I had before. Have I mentioned that I love television?

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