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LASIK news
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Well, officially I will need a second surgery for my right eye to make my vision perfect. Actually, my left eye is better than perfect already (20/15!), and my right eye is slightly better than it was on Tuesday (I think it's now 20/30? 20/35?), but I still have slight blurriness and slight double vision in that eye.

Dr. Cress will see me again in 3 weeks for my one-month follow up appointment, assuming everything goes fine for me during that time. He said if everything was stable then we'd do the surgery at that time, but when I reminded him that three days after my appointment I'm flying to France and Spain for a month, we agreed that it would be better to do the surgery when I get back.

The bad news is that means I probably won't be able to do white water rafting with Cynthia and Vinnie in Colorado this summer (unless I make a quick trip right when I get back from France, before the surgery).

The good news is that I don't need to wear glasses in the meantime, because my vision is generally good enough. And I'll still be able to swim with my mom in the Mediterranean.


I'm a little bit disappointed, but I'm trying to take it all in stride. I mean, I'm not wearing glasses anymore, and that's pretty friggin' exciting.

Oh! And when I asked him if he'd have to cut a new flap he said not only would he still be able to lift the flap in two months, he'd be able to lift the flap in 30 years. Isn't that crazy? It does get tight, and you can do things like rub your eye and stuff later on (though I probably wouldn't want to rub very hard), but it can still be lifted. I meant to ask him if he has to do anything special to get the flap up once it seals down more tightly, but I didn't think of it until after I'd gone. It's a little bit scary to think that it's just floating there forever. I think that I did know that from my sister's procedure, but I had forgotten it.

I'm experiencing what Cynthia reported following her procedure: now that my eyes are starting to feel better, I'm more inclined to want to touch them, and I have to remember to refrain.

The other funky thing that I'm experiencing as a result of the regular application of artifical tears is salt-encrusted eyelashes. Mmm, crunchy! Sometimes they look frosted, like I've had them dyed. And they get stiff just like they have mascara in. Who needs eye makeup? I've got salt!

Speaking of eye makeup, it was suggested to me by a colleague today that now that I'm not wearing glasses, I should start wearing eye shadow. She meant well, I know, so I didn't make any of the several responses I could have made; I just told her that I'm not allowed to for a week or two, which is true. She has also suggested in the past that I highlight my hair. Of course, that's much better than the comment a different colleague made on two separate occasions when my hair was long, that my hair was thinning. ??!?! (Besided being untrue, what a thing to say!)

Okay, enough eye and hair rambling. I need to start figuring out what to wear to salsa tonight.

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