Lola My Journal 10736 Curiosities served |
2006-06-04 10:18 PM Sunburn and salsa; a classic combo! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (4) Actually, the sunburn and the salsa were not simultaneous events. I got the sunburn from spending a couple hours at the beach with my brother and his girlfriend in the middle of the day. I put lots of sunscreen on, but apparently I didn't quite get it everywhere, and I didn't re-apply. So I have some red streaks across my belly on either side of my navel (that part cracks me up; like, did I manage to put sunscreen on my belly button but not right next to it?), a very red streak along the bikini line of my right leg, and a whole big chunk of sunburn on my back. I used the spray sunscreen to get my back & shoulders. It worked great on my shoulders, but not so much on my back. So next time I suppose I'll have to find some cute boy to rub me down. Sigh. Life is terrible, I know.
It was really nice to hang out with Mario and Aria today. Very mellow. And then Sean met up with us downtown as we were finishing our delicous Taqueria Vallarta lunch, and afterwards he and I went salsa dancing beachside on the wharf. All in all, despite the sunburn, it was a really great day. And then, to top it off, I talked to Cynthia and we worked out days for me to go visit her and Vinnie in Colorado this summer, and I booked and bought tickets! Southwest is having a deal on tickets for July travel if you book by tomorrow midnight. I have to fly out of Oakland, but that's not that big a deal, and to save at least a hundred bucks, it's totally worth it. If I drove a Hummer, it might not be, 'cause I'd spend that much in gas just to get there, and I will have to think about parking, but maybe I can park at a friend's house and take the BART or something. So I will be flying back from France on Thursday, July 20, and flying to Denver on Tuesday, July 25. I'm only slightly insane, really. But that's really the best time to visit those guys, because then we get into August and I've got a trip to New York the weekend of the 11th-13th, and a Dake Family (Tuesday night music group) camping trip the weekend of the 19th/20th, and at some point in there I have to work in my classroom packing it all up... what's a world-traveling girl to do? I think I'm going to have to sign up for the Monday night Advanced Beginning Salsa class in August, because I'm going to miss a bunch of the Friday night drop-ins from all these trips out of town. Sorry, Seanny. :-( (You will take Jeremy's class will me, though, won't you?) Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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