Lola My Journal 10738 Curiosities served |
2006-06-08 9:48 PM Counting down the days.... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) There are four school days left. Four. 1-2-3-4. Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Holy shit, how'm I going to get it all done? I have to do report cards, we have to make a yearbook, the kids have to finish graduation speeches, I have to write a speech... this is insane. I guess it always is. In years past, I've done final grades and reports after school gets out, and then mailed them in, but this year I'm leaving for France so quickly that I want to get them done before school gets out.
Ergh. I think this weekend I'm going to pack my clothes for the Father's Day Bluegrass Festival in Grass Valley, so that I don't have to think about it later in the week when it's crazy at school. I'm going to try to send my tent and my air mattress and maybe my sleeping bag and maybe my camp chairs with Jessie & Stewart in/on their van, because although all those things will fit in the Prius, it will be more difficult with Max & Griffin in the backseat. I figure it's a pretty fair trade: I bring their boys to them at the festival, they bring my stuff. They should have extra room on the way up, not having the boys and their booster seats, so I don't think it'll be a problem. And then on the way back, I can take all my stuff when they have the boys. I'd best get my stuff to them on Saturday, though, because I think they're leaving on Sunday (which means they're packing up the van Saturday). Hmmm... I'd better also make sure the new air mattress works and isn't leaky. I guess I could blow it up tonight and put a hundred pounds of stuff on top of it to see what happens in the morning. Not that I weigh as little as a hundred pounds, but I figure if it's going to leak, a hundred pounds should do the trick. Not that I can figure out what in the heck I have just laying around the house that would weight a hundred pounds. Maybe I could put all my file boxes on it, lined up in a row. That probably isn't a hundred pounds, but it would at least be some weight. Hmmm... Well, Kam and David are spending the night here tomorrow night. I could insist that one of them sleep on the air mattress, and then have the couch as backup. Of course, the other one will be on the couch, unless I sleep at Seanny's and give them my bed. That might work. I suppose I could blow it up and then I could sleep on it. But I love my bed so much! Well, if I don't send it with J & S, that would give me more time to determine if it leaks. But I think I'll aim for figuring it out soon, so that I can have one less thing to bring. Ooh, in unrelated news, the woman who is letting me and my mom stay in her uncle's house in Albi for a week-plus this summer has offered to let me stay with her for the three days before my mom comes, so I won't be all alone. And she said the amateur salsa dancing group she belongs to is having a dinner and soiree the night we arrive in Albi, so if I'd like, I could come with her to that. Ohmigod! Salsa dancing in France! I'm so excited. I have to decide if I should bring my dance shoes or not. Probably not. I need to pack as lightly as possible. My hot fuschia strappy Lands End sandals will probably do, as I'm bringing those anyway. Besides, I think it quite likely I'll end up buying at least one pair of shoes in Barcelona, so I need to save room in my suitcase for those! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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