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An exercise in frustration
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So today has been a difficult day, and it´s barely 9:00 in the morninng.

It started with my mom leaving the apartment at 5:45 am (we went to bed around 1), and waking me up to say goodbye, which was fine in and of itself, but I got all disoriented and then couldn´t really sleep after. I gave her a kiss goodbye and told her I loved her, and she did the same to me, but moments after she left, I burst into tears, feeling like a little child who´s been dropped off at school and hasn´t gotten to give her mommy a hug. I know it was mostly just ´cause I´d had about four and a half hour of sleep, but I think also ´cause I´ve spent the last two and a half weeks with my mom and she´s gone home now and I´m still here.

Anyway, then I just got up and got ready to go, and very sucessfully got a taxi to take me to the Barcelona Sants train station, where I arrived at 8:30 for an 8:45 train. That was leaving from the Barcelona-Franca station.

Yup. I went to the wrong station. One of the tiketing guys was very helpful, but now my train doesn´t leave until 11:20, so I´ve got a couple hours to kill. And instead of getting in to Albi at 3:30 this afternoon, because of all the extra trains I have to take, I won´t get in until 8:30 tonight. I was going to get off the train in Carcasonne for a couple of hours, but not anymore. Blargh.

So here I am on the train station "Exedra" internet machine, paying 1€ for every ten minutes to have _something_ to do.

Well, I´m very grateful there´s a baggage check here, and that I have plenty of cash, and that despite my error, I will still be able to get back to Albi tonight. I wish I´d had a little more sleep, and that the trashy mystery novel my mom gave me was longer. But I can sleep (maybe) on one of my many trains, and if I´m desperate, I can re-read the Jennifer Crusie novel I re-read this past week.

It´s 9:30 am here, which means it´s 12:30 am at home. Pretty much too late to call anyone, though I´m considering waking Seanny Boy up, ´cause I know he´d forgive me. Ah, maybe not. I mean, maybe I won´t call, not maybe he wouldn´t forgive me.

Perhaps it´s time to search out a decaf cappuccino.

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