Lola My Journal 10762 Curiosities served |
2006-09-06 10:06 PM First day, check. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) Today was the first day of school, and it was relatively hassle free. The kids were all great, and loved the way the classroom looked, and how much room they had to move around and flop on the floor (though I noticed when we had circle, they squished all up together, I think just from the habit of not having quite enough room)... I didn't give any major lessons today, though I'm hoping to tomorrow. But we did practice some group discussion and democratic process, and they did get some work done, and we did some creative writing, based on the Wild Mind workshop stuff by Natalie Goldman (Goldberg?)... so it was a good day. The only sucky part was that I had to be there at 8 to open (we don't have an assistant yet), and I didn't leave until 6 due to an elementary staff meeting in the afternoon. It was a productive meeting, and I'm glad we had it, but I'm pretty wiped out. I guess three 10-hour days in a row will do that, especially when combined with the 5 hours of sleep I got last night.
But tomorrow I'm going to leave on time, and go to the chiropractor, and then I'm hoping to see a movie and blow some bubbles. Not at the same time, though. The bubbles will come before or after the movie. Well, if it's a DVD, then maybe during. We'll see. I'll let you all know. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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