
My gay ass boyfriend!!!
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Did you ever love somebody, but yet hated them at the same time, yes another gay Salvia ong.
Well my boyfriend is hot and an amazing artist. His poetry is the sun that covers my cloud. AWWW how sweet. I know, but (yes prepare yourselves because,there is a bitch coming up. lol I am the bitch of a witch hehehehe) hes a gay mother fucker doe muncher cow fucker three tit nose sucker ass pciker grass fucker uncle mother fucker. *gasps for breath* okay yes I am retarded, sucidal, and pissed at the same fucking time deal with it. Okay Damien is fucking hot, but he feels that he is the exception to everything and can break promises when they are hes ideas.>< Maybe I should just kill him. I mean I wouldn't mind fucking a dead corspe.
Well when he had to leave Michigan and move to Indainia. He told me he loved me and begged me to be faithful towards him.
ummm okay how....???
Just look like shit and never talk to a straight or bi liked hot guy with a penis.. Make them hate you.
So he promised me the same thing with both the penis and the taco.
I was so in love with him cheating was not even a thought or a possiblity. I hugged, kissed, fucked, and cried for him. Yes another gay eposide of Dawson's Creek.
So here I am everyday looking like shit, wanting other guys, making them hate me, thoughts of sucide rush threw me like lust, but I had to be loyal to my beautiful poetic boyfriend.
My friend Anne told me I was in an abusive relationship. I pointed out everything that happened between her and Damien's brother. Now that is another eposide of the Maury show I say that not saracastically!!!!
Larissa told me he was fooling around. Larissa was almost a sister we even told people we were cousins. Than she got molested by a preist or something and she went all gay. So now we don't want to even remember we were friends another long long story.
Than I found out Rissa was right. He fucked two girls and were dating two of them. What about our promise.
At first he said it wasn't true than he admitted it was because, he couldn't lie to someone he loves. What did he think I was going to fuck him. HE claimed he was drunk and everything.
Than Christopher hates me now. My life just fell apart. It fell apart on the day at my school at the students vs. teachers basketball game at my gay school. I got all depressed and ran to Damie and he tells me he loves me no matter what happens he will love me. We always run back to each other.
Right now Damien is probably in the middle of something literally. Having lunch. What sandwhiches? Okay I'm going to go off and sit in the middle of Denton Hill Road waiting to get hit by the Art Van truck.

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