
A end of something ANNOYING
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lol okay I have been getting pissed at this for a long time, but have remained silent. I was friends with some girl. Nameless. Well eventually she told me a lot of lies about some guy she could of gotten him arrested by all these lies. She tells me she is psychic. If you go to my gay school you know who I am talking about. Well.. now my life is a little bit more pleasant and less. "DAMN IT SO FUCKING ANNOYING I WANT TO BEAT YOU WITH A FUCKING LAWN CHAIR. OF COURSE YOU KNOW THAT BECUASE, YOUR A FUCKING PYSCHIC."
Other than that (wrote this for Anne) I let that issue go. That is part of my regretful past. heh Well
noodles and toodles

I fear Miss. Dyane that I truly shall never understand you!:D
inside joke.

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