Matthew Baugh
A Conscientious Objector in the Culture Wars

I'm a Christian pastor living in the greater Chicago area, and I'm one of a great many Christians who find ourselves left out of the "culture wars" that we hear so much about. A lot of the assumptions of those who talk these wars seem ridiculous to me, especially as regards faith. I've often heard that if you're a Christian you: - can't believe in evolution - can't believe in an old universe or the big bang theory - must oppose homosexuality - must vote pro-life - and even must vote Republican. As the song says, "It Ain't Necessarily So." There are a lot of us who don't fit into these neat little categories and see the culture wars as meaningless media hype. There is a strong voice of faithful, compassionate, progressive Christianity in the world and we need to be heard.

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January 2008
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25: Prayer for Peace (0 comments)
25: A Christian Nation? (1 comments)
26: Faith and Elections (2 comments)
30: Trinity Church (0 comments)

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