Matthew Baugh
A Conscientious Objector in the Culture Wars

More Christmas Thoughts (late)
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I think that my favorite Christmas Special is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". (The cartoon version. I'm not bashing the Jim Carrey version, but I haven't worked up the nerve to see it yet.) It's not a religious story, yet it captures a powerful and important truth that lives at the heart of the religious observance.

"Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."

Dr. Suess sentiment, which gently counteracts the materialism of the world, could be described as beign spiritual without being religious. It's so universal that everyone gets it. And the message is enhanced by the wonderful song in the cartoon. Here are the lyrics, minus a lot of "Fah who for-aze!"

Welcome Christmas, Come this way!
Welcome Welcome, Christmas Day.
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp
Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer
Cheer to all Who's, Far and near
Christmas day will always be,
Just so long as we have we,
Welcome Christmas, Bring your light
Welcome Christmas, While we stand
Heart to heart, And hand in hand
Welcome welcome Christmas
Christmas Day

Without ever mentioning Jesus, this gets right to the core of his message. It's not about the metaphysical, theological, doctrinal trappings we so often try to dress it up in. It's about love.

The warmth and togetherness of the song really catches the feeling we get when we are surrounded by family and friends at the holidays. If it were just that, I'd say it was sweet and sentimental, but not terribly deep. Focusing on the warm, fuzzy feelings loved ones give us is nice, but still kind of selfish.

But the Grinch goes beyond that. It's a story about redemption...about someone who learns about unselfish generosity. It's also about people who forgive their former enemy without qualification, and welcome him as a part of their community.

It's universal, but as a Christian I can see the message and actions of Jesus in that more clearly than in any overtly Christian christmas special I've ever seen. It's not just about feeling good because loved ones are near, it's about reaching out and offering love and acceptance to those who need it. It's not about sharing, but about giving. It's not about sentimental love ( is a little), it's about the kind of powerful love that heals lives and makes communities whole.

In a word, it's about grace, and that says it all.

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