Shelley Stuart
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Feedback: it's good for the soul
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I had an actress (Mau) read my sci-fi feature MIND GAMES. This is the same script that I have somewhere in a WB exec's to-do pile. I met with her for coffee today, to talk about her thoughts on the script.

A) She loved it.
B) She had very few notes.
C) It's got characters that actors will love to play.

The dialog was great, she loved the characters (and would love to play one of the supporting roles). She thought that the emotional connection between Mera and Casey was fantastic, I had great jeopardy, and it was overall very well written. She even quoted a couple of lines of dialog that she thought were excellent.

That wasn't what we were there for, however, because I wanted the information about where I could make it stronger. Her observations were very good, and there's only two or three elements that I need to address to improve MIND GAMES even more. Without going into terribly boring detail, they are:

Vic could have more elements of humanity. Or, he could stand to be a little more well-rounded. What makes him tick? Where are his emotional buttons?

Mera infiltrates Vic's team, building her relationships with Vic and Casey that are founded on lies and deceipt. I missed an opportunity there to increase the emotional risk/punch when Mera tells Vic and Casey that she's actually a cop. And that's where the missed opportunity is -- Mera tells them. Instead, if I retool it so that Vic and Casey *discover* Mera's true identity, the emotional payoff will be that much greater.

Casey's demise at the end could be hit even harder emotionally. Instead of having the event happen more remotely, allow Mera and Casey to have one last moment with each other.

I like these notes. They are concrete things that I can use to make MIND GAMES even better. Mau also thinks that the director she is currently working with would LOVE to direct this script. By happenstance, the director (Ken) and I share an agent, and I know him. He falls under the category of "good people." He's currently booked Armen Shimmerman to star in his thriller, and has taken the script to Angela Bassett. His momentum is as good as his integrity.

I can also get this to someone who has major connections with tons of sci-fi actors. If she likes it, she'll pass it on to an actor. If a name actor signs on, it's a no-brainer sell to a studio. I've asked Mau to pass the script to Ken, and I'll work on the areas she noticed.

Then we'll see what happens.

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