MUSINGS The Former Online Journal of Eric T. Marin This is my former online journal. To read current entries, please visit my LiveJournal blog here. |
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2004-09-15 1:25 PM Flytrap #4 Open to Submissions The nifty 'zine, Flytrap, run by Tim Pratt and Heather Shaw, is now open to submissions for Issue #4. Here are the guidelines, as posted by Tim in his journal:
Flytrap, the little zine with teeth, is now open to submissions for issue #4 (which should appear in May 2005). Fiction: I will consider work up to 5,000 words (query for longer, but don't let it hurt your feelings if I say no). Any form, any style, any genre welcome; cross-genre and experimental work especially appreciated. I consider vignettes, fantasias, and hallucinagenia in addition to more traditional narrative approaches. Surprise me, or delight me, or both. Straightforward porn and conventional horror are unlikely to find a home here, but otherwise, I'm happy to consider pretty much anything. Send stories to Tim Pratt at, or to Tropism Press, PO Box 13222, Berkeley, CA 94712-4222 (but be aware that e-subs will get a much faster response). Send in the body of an e-mail, or as Word or RTF attachments. Non-Fiction: 5,000 words maximum, shorter is better. We like memoirs, rants, essays, creative nonfiction, and etc. Send to Heather Shaw at, or to the above mailing address. Poetry: We are not open to poetry submissions for issue #4. We're having a featured poet instead. But you might be able to slip a prose poem past the fiction editor. Multiple submissions are okay, within reason (that is, sending two pieces won't annoy us too much, but sending three probably will). No simultaneous submissions (but we'll answer every submission by mid-November, so it shouldn't cramp your submitting style too much). Deadline: We open September 15, 2004, and close October 31, 2004. Payment: $10 and a couple of copies on publication. It's a small-press world out there. We just live in it. Happy submitting! And feel free to spread the word, please. I sent a story to Tim today, and I certainly hope he enjoys it. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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