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My Boring Cam Thoughts
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Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I saw Empire Records *while* I was working at Tower. It was eerily familiar except the folks where I worked were majority gay/bi and the general manager was an incompetent lout. Oh yeah, and Tower is a massive, ugly chain. (boo hiss) I kinda liked Deb, I got the gist of her character although the movie overdid the suicidal tendancy a bit, I liked her flair. I understand what it's like to wake up and be disappointed to find oneself still alive. I just wouldn't shave my head.

On to the real topic:

I wish I weren't so distracted by this that I just had the overwhelming desire to check out other people's journals to see if they've mentioned it.

I'm still not even sure what *it* is. It's rather bewildering...White WOlf sort of wants to take over the Cam (the not-for-profit org that was calling itself the official White Wolf Fan Club), only they weren't espcially clear on how they would do it. At times they were talking about dissolving the BOD and taking over the national storyline, reverting the rules from the house supplements the Cam came up with back to the MET rules that WW published, and sometimes it sounds like they were establishing their own club that would be their official fan club and we were somehow expected to join.

It's a little confusing, but today (or last night?) the president of the Cam made a long announcement that I can't get myself to read because it's long and convoluted and I don't care that much.... But I still have to figure it out cause like I'm an officer or something.

First off, if my friends got along any better, and lived slightly closer together (say within forty miles) I wouldn't even be a part of the Cam. I go to the Cam for my gaming fix and cause that's the main place I get to see a lot of people who I know and do for rather cheap. The alternatives seem to be either holing up in my apartment or dropping a lot of money at clubs where I only know the tiny group of people I go with. I miss the table top games. *sigh*

And secondly, it doesn't matter one bit to me who runs the national game because I don't play in it. With any luck at all they'll come to their senses and kill all the lists and stupid IRC. That will make it even harder to have an international game which can only strengthen my position as local gamer.

*sigh* I feel rather tired by the whole thing but unwilling to step aside because I like gaming, and unwilling to let go of my chapter because I like storytelling. I have other friends who do one-shot RPs that are based on practically any literary or film genre that *isn't* touched by White Wolf. It's some fun, but I still like playing at being a werewolf and trying to fight a losing war against the oppressors of Mother Earth, I like telling the story of fantasy and the power of imagination and creativity. No one who has ever successfully played Mage will *ever* have a problem with "thinking outside of the box."

It'll go away eventually. The problem, I mean. And some kind of gaming group will remain. Hopefully, it'll be something better, but these are people we're talking about and people suck.

If I was given license to quit (and this would take a lot because the reasons for staying are all personal, so a lot of my personal relationships would have to change dramatically) I definately would. But I'm not really sure how I would spend my new-found time. Maybe I'd write. Definately I'd clean and cook more. But I'd miss it.

I've missed theatre terribly since I graduated from college and gaming has been something of a nerve relaxant which has both helped me get past not having a stage to report to every Monday and Wednesday morning and plays to read and dramaturgies to write, but it has also deadened my natural inclination to take a story and make it *SAY* something.

Most broken-harted ex-liberal studies majors have turned to television to soothe their disquieted souls. I turned to gaming.

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