Something to Do Before I Die

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It's about Balance
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Gosh it feels like years since I've written here last, I just haven't had much time to do any journal surfing or of course I've shoved work aside to catch up today.

For Mme Black, Honey, we all have our set backs and things everything that could possibly fall apart does. It just happens. The first thing to remember is that so long as it doesn't actually threaten your life it's not *that* big of a deal.

It will make things harder, sure, but that's how you know how much it has meant to you. Grab an anchor (your sweetling fiancee, for example), take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Sit down and talk with someone who would know what the situation is like and plan out all of the possibilites.

At worst you flunk out and eventually take a data entry job and have to live at a lower standard of living and/or leave the state. (I'm sure the boy would go along with whatever.)

At best, you get notes from other students, you go to study groups, you write your butt off, the finals turn out to be held right when Mercury is rising in Scorpio (your sign) and while you might not ace your finals you do well enough to convince your profs that you're serious.

You yourself know you are a spaz and that this can get you in trouble. So take that understanding in hand and let that extra energy push you forward rather than dragging you down.

And your mom would never *EVER* freak out or be disappointed in you. Your dad might be unhappy with the way things worked out, but shit happens, and I am absolutely certain that he'd understand.

*hugs* It'll be alright. Just remember to breath.

For myself I haven't felt an incredible need to add anything here other than, same old same old...

Planning on going camping this weekend.

worked on some personal gaming stuff (at the expense of my chapter)

Work is kinda boring though they just proved (again) my belief that you can't rest easy with anything. Usually I'm caught thinking that work is being good to me and I'm happy with my job and *BAM* they hit us with mandatory overtime. Today I didn't really feel like being here, kinda sick, kinda tired and just didn't want to do my thing...then we had a departmental meeting and at the meeting the CEO and COO were there to present us with massive bonuses (to top it off they were figuring out how much to give us where taxes didn't take out of the bonus...essentially they're paying our taxes)!!

So that was just stunning.

But I wonder if something else will go bad so that the overall balance of my life will stay the same.

tsh... watch my car die and suck up all of my bonus money.

I'm not a pessimist....just cynical. };>

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