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Nobody Something to Do Before I Die 649088 Curiosities served |
2002-10-23 9:52 AM If You're Bored then You're Boring Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Fuck I'm bored. I normally hate these things because they tend to ask the same things. I'll try to be more enlightening but I've had little to do this morning and it's making my brain melt.
1. Sex: Enjoyable, usually 2. Age: 25 3. Birthday: I don't like telling when my birthday is. It leads to getting it ruined. 4. Place of Birth: St Jude's Hospital Fullerton, CA 5. Siblings: 4 - one sister (20), three brothers (24, 19, 16) 6. Parents: one of each 7. Pets: I'm not a real pet person, though I find small furry things very cute. I joke about the critters that live my building being my pets but in general I do what I can to kill them. 8. Height: 5'7" 9. Weight: too much 10. Hair Color: shit brown. Really need to see about streaking it red or electric blue 11. Eye Color: shit brown 12. Eye Color of Choice: green or hazel 13. Writing Hand: I rarely write, I normally type and then I use both. 14. Masturbating Hand: whatever is available 15. Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA BODY ILLS AND SKILLS 16. Do you bite your nails? Not anymore. 17. Can you roll your tongue? yep 18. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Only the right one. 19. Can you blow smoke rings? nope 20. Can you blow spit bubbles? doubtful 21. Can you cross your eyes? yep 22. Tattoos? Is this an ill or a skill? Currently I don't have any, though I like them in moderation. If I thought I could take it (and could afford it) I'd look into it. 23. Piercings and where? One in each ear lobe. 24. Do you make your bed daily? We all make our beds and then we lie in them. CLOTHES 25. What goes on first, bra or underwear? bras and panties are all underwear. But I put panties on first. 26. Which shoe goes on first? The one I find first. 27. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Probably. 28. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? average huh? prolly around $7 29. What jewellery do you wear 24/7? I try to always have Molasses' class ring and my watch around, but I regularly take them off (typing, cleaning, climbing, wrestling, sleeping, showering) 30. What's sexiest on a guy? A very beautiful woman. oh you mean clothing. Um, a fitted tux. 31. Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? On time I guess. any attempt at looking great would take far more than 10 minutes. 32. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? What does this have to with clothes? I haven't enjoyed wearing spaghetti in years. 33. How many cereals in your cabinet? None. they're on the table. 34. What utensils do you use to eat pizza? If absolutely necessary I use a knife. Pizzas are finger food. 35. Do you cook? Not if I can help it. Though sometimes there's no other way to get what I want to eat. GROOMING 36. How often do you brush your teeth? Once a day, unless I'm far from a toothbrush 37. How often do you shower/bathe? Once a day, as above. 38. How long does your shower last? 20-30 minutes 39. Hair drying method: Towel, air. MANNERS 41. Do you swear? Actually more often than I think I ought to. I feel like swear words should add to a vocabulary not replace it. 42. Do you ever spit? occasionally but I'm usually over a sink when I do 43. Do you pee in the shower? *Pleads the 5th* IN AND AROUND 44. The CD Player: In the computer: none; in the car: Ekova Space Lullabies and other Fantasmagore, on the stereo: PJ Harvey Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea and Tool Lateralus and Ruby Short-Staffed at the Gene Pool (I'm listening to Nine Inch Nails And All that Could Have Been on the Juke Box) 45. Person you talk most on the phone with: Molasses 46. What color is your bedroom? technically I don't have a bedroom, but the room my bed is in is primarily white, with a cream carpet, wood furnishings, dark red curtains and a dark green comforter on the bed. 47. Do you use an alarm clock? Actually the stereo has an alarm so I usually wake up to either a CD or the news. At Molasses' he uses an alarm. Must. Destroy. 48. Name one thing you are obsessed with: um. Web communication maybe? about as obessesed with it as I am with my weight or my attempts to get into theatre. Which is to say it's not clinical. Yet. 49. Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? does showering count? 50. Ever sunbathed nude? nope 51. Window seat or aisle? Window. 52. What's your sleeping position? horizontal - they all end up hurting in the morning, but I if I had a favorite it would be supine with my arms above and under(ish) my pillow. But it seriously fucks up my back so I try to avoid it. 53. What kind of bed do you like? One that contains my Molasses. 54. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? blech. no. 55. Do you snore?, sleepwalk? Or talk in your sleep? To the best of my knowledge, no. 56. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? occasionally 57. How about with the light on? I have a small nightlight. I keep it on for reasons that are only nominally related to the light it emits. But I am capable of sleeping without it. 58. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? I can. Especially when I'm driving };> WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU... 59. Took a shower? This morning 60. Watched Bambi: I dunno. ages ago. 61. Cried? Unka Frank's funeral in September. 62. Talked on the phone? This morning 63. Read a book? *cries* ages ago. the last book I actually read cover to cover was an anthology of bondage fiction 64. Punched someone: In my dreams I do it quite often. It's actually kinda freaky and scary. 65. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? dear god, I don't know. Hopefully still in LA, same place, nicer car and earning a livable income in theatre 66. Who are you going to be married to? hahahahah!! yeah right! 67. How many kids: how many kids what? in the world: too many; in the country: too many. How many do I want? let's go with none. 68. Your profession or main occupation: currently I am an editor, however I would like to be a a professional director of theatrical productions; possibly an adjunct at a local school 69. Future School: To study more theatre: CalArts to teach (potentially): anywhere where the teachers aren't treated like shit. (If I ever wanted to get a doctorate I would have bust ass to go somewhere far like Edinburgh, Yale or Sevilla.) 70. What kind of house you want to own? I don't really want to own anything. But the sort of house that I like and would love to live in is a Spanish-style mediteranean villa. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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