Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: Lover's Rock, Sade; Guitarra Clásica Española, Antonio de Lucena
I'd rather be rich
Desiring: more sleep
Physical Aches and Complaints: general lack of energy
Enjoying: Mocha cafe & rice krispie treat

I don't feel like working. that's a shocking surprise, I'm sure, but I don't. I would probably rather be sleeping, but on the whole I just wish my need for sleep was less. I've been made more aware lately about the effects of sleep deprivation and that it's no luxury to get a good night of sleep but it is in fact a necessity.

But it's not something I feel like I can do much about it. my life has always been arranged so that I have to get up between six and eight am. Extremes are just that and so they don't get averaged in. But if I have to be up by six I should be in bed by ten. But not only is that unlikely because my nights are not done by then, but I am chronically unable to fall asleep before 11:30ish and I'm often wide awake even though I don't want to be late into the night. *sighs*

Anyway I stayed up later than I meant to last night, but not by much and slept through my alarm this morning. Did the same thing on Tuesday but it was more crucial then because the day was planned around a dentist appointment. So this is still rather annoying.

So money... yeah. I need more. goddammit I just got a raise too. But I started some Christmas shopping and finally got to some birthday shopping for a few different people. That wouldn't have hurt the finances so much if I didn't also have a bunch of new dentist bills. Selling stock sounds inviting but I'm trying very hard to avoid it. Taxes suck when it comes to stocks.

There's about 16 people on my Christmas gift list and only six of them are totally done. Four-ish of them are totally blank for ideas and the rest are guesses with varying amounts of research gone into locating the gifts and noting the amount of money required. Not to mention what I want to get my dad is (and should be) quite expensive. It has me on edge because I can't do a blessed thing about it until my next paycheck. I hate spending my pay before I get the check.

I'll probably do a bunch of overtime in the next pay period. Money is nice but I'll also have nothing else to do, probably. I've thought about taking a few days off either then (Dec 16 - 31) or in January but I don't know how feasible that is. Most people start turning in their requests for days off in October so December time off after the 16th is unlikely. Also I'm in a bit of limbo with regard to vacation time. Molasses is planning on going to Korea for a couple of weeks next October and sort of asked me if I'd like to go. I definately would but his offer wasn't as solid as I would like and he's more or less forgotten about my interest since his father mentioned interest. With the dad along there would be a kink in the plan. The first payment is this month, but I don't know the amount or the date. And though I asked him repeatedly Molasses still has not informed me as to how many business days would actually be missed. I'm sure it's just an oversight and I keep forgetting to remind him about it. But still....

This would also disrupt other hypothetical vacation plans. Accruing tenish days of vacation takes some discipline and we had talked about the possibility of Christmas 2003 with his family at a ski resort. That has greater ramifications if for no reason than the fact that I would not spend Christmas with my own family. But it would also require more vacation days. And money.

And finally. It occured to me that so long as I treat Theatre as nothing more than a hobby it will never be anything more than a hobby. I have no idea what the fuck I can do about that. Find extra work for myself, I suppose. I'll stay up late to read trade books and look for gigs that suit me. Should I get hooked up with a production I'll work on it in lieu of sleeping, seeing my boyfriend and spend every last penny I have on it. What a great and terrible thing is this love.

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