Something to Do Before I Die

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No One Knows My Plan
Put on your Red Shoes and Dance the Blues
Maybe I should play God, and shoot you myself
Bells and Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls
In my Heart I did No Crime
God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
My Alter Ego
"Official" Tori
He said "Hi," by the way

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Hey is that cliff? Neat!
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"I Can't See New York," Tori Amos
"Virginia," Tori Amos
"Severance," Dead Can Dance
"Threshold," Dead Can Dance
"Towards the Within," Dead Can Dance
"Quiet Solitude," Skinny Puppy
"Burn," Nine Inch Nails
"Cowboys," Portisehead
"Home," Depeche Mode
Mentally Replaying: Scrubs from last night
I'd rather be rich
Considering: quitting my whining
Desiring: more sleep
Aches and Complaints: sore back, achy molars
Enjoying: blowing off work

Lots of things are rolling around in my brain. It's mostly all unbearably mundane and it's making me crazy. So I decided to run away for a little bit.

But first a few things I'm thinking about.

I'll be able to buy the stuff I want for Christmas, but it'll make ordinary things like getting gas and eating a little tough. It'll be a problem next weekend more than this one. A lot more. *sighs* Hopefully though I'll have a bunch of money in January from all the OT this month. I hope.

This coming weekend will be taken up gaming. Sounds like fun, but it's also kinda tedious. And not conducive to resting. But at least I get to toast Mme Black and Mr Noir at their wedding shower tomorrow. }:D

A week after next Monday in the excrutiatingly early hours of the morning I have to drive Molasses to the airport. }:< }:< he'll spend a week in Missouri with family and I'll spend the week trying not think about his absence (and trying not to spend any money).

Gah. Christmas. Why do my friends have to keep their families so far away?

oh well:

I'm pretty damn hard core! Fear me!

Hey, you're downright feminist-like! Way to go- we're proud to have you as a member of our sex. Now go kick some male sexist-pig ass!

*laughs* heh all my friends already believe this. I mildly disagree but only because most of my answers weren't on here. But it was easy enough to agree that I do deserve my own male slave labor force to do my bidding and make sure my male friends are gay. Well sorta. know.... };>

You're pretty smart, maybe even smarter than average. If you work hard you could be a rocket scientist or a chemical engineer, but you might just relax a bit and be okay with whatever your best is, too.

Hey! Some of us menial workers are very smart and well-educated! We're just not terribly interested in hard science.... or anything else that is not a liberal art.

Very interesting...

What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?

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You are the typical feminist, depressed, artist. You go against the crowd and do everything you can to be different. Too bad noone notices. Try communicating with people, not just looking down on them.

gods... I spent most of high school being Daria. I got top grades, honors classes, my only absences were usually for school projects or trips (except for that one time when I ditched a couple classes to protest prop. 187), my sister is/was younger, perkier, cuter and fared far better with the guys, has a distinct fashion sense and very social. To top it off my parents mostly waved off the work that I did assuming as long as I got good grades there was nothing wrong in my life. *sighs* so glad high school is over

a href="">Mystery
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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That was unexpected.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?

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don't really understand this, but ok
What Kind of Virgin Are You?

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this just made me giggle

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?

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You're An Intellectual! You can always be found reading or on the computer. People always come to you when they need information. You don't really care about love at this point, your only goal is to improve your mind. After all, knowledge is power!

hmms... good enough I suppose

what fucked version of hello kittie are you?

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*snickers* who didn't see that coming?

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?

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What Type Of Retro Gal Are You?

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Hmm I'm not sure that's right, but I couldn't figure out what to answer most of the time.

This test was jsut silly. but I like my answer:

What swear word are you?

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Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

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What kind of Goth would you be?

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You're a Velvety-Mopey-Goth! You're wardrobe isn't condusive to heat, water, or the natural range of human movement. People may think you're cheesy, but you know it's just because their infantile minds can't fully comprehend the insurmountable anguish of your existence.

heh that's what I need! more expensive clothes that's impossible to move in and not really useful in southern california. };> But damn that stuff looks good.

What Moulin Rouge Character Are You?

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*snickers* I liked this movie much better on a meta level, but the pretty colors! the dancing! the songs!

* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *

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Romeo and Juliet's: Juliet - The daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. A beautiful thirteen-year-old girl, Juliet begins the play as a naïve child who has thought little about love and marriage. She grows up quickly, though upon falling in love with Romeo, the son of her family's great enemy. Though she loves Romeo as profoundly as he loves her, Juliet nevertheless demonstrates a more level and sober head than does her paramour. Until a falling out near the end of the play, the Nurse is Juliet's closest, and, it seems, only confidante and friend. She fakes her death upon being ordered into an unwanted marrige and Romeo, thinking Juliet dead, kills himself in her tomb. Upon awakening and seeing Romeo dead, Juliet stabs herself with Romeo's dagger.

heh. I thought I'd get Juliet this as soon as I read the second question. But I was hoping for Cleopatra. Oh well.

By the way heroin is a drug. It's a drug I would never do.... "Heroine" is the female form of "hero."

This is a well thought-out quiz.

What Sign of Affection Are You?

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I just don't like the result };> I liked the cuddle and kiss better than footsies....

What White Wolf vampire clan are you?

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Caitiff - Like lost children, the Clanless wander the nights in search of some sort of meaning to their often short existence. Distrusted by most and pitied by many, they are often hunted down before they can even make their mark on vampiric society.

I wonder how I managed to get this? Prolly my schizophrenic answers.

What's Your Personality Type?

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wow I haven't been called a geek in...years. Not since *well* before college. wow...

And this was pointless, but Office Space is such an awesome movie....

What Office Space character are you?

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Bwahahaha! That's about right. *laughs* oh wait that means I want to kill myself... *mumbles* maybeishouldidunnoithinkishouldwanttoburndownthebuildingorsomethingidontknowmaybeeverythingshouldburn...

What sexy girl are you

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Drat. I was hoping gina Gershon was on here somewhere. Doesn't seem like it. ah well.

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