Something to Do Before I Die

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No One Knows My Plan
Put on your Red Shoes and Dance the Blues
Maybe I should play God, and shoot you myself
Bells and Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls
In my Heart I did No Crime
God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
My Alter Ego
"Official" Tori
He said "Hi," by the way

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biting at the nails of creativity
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Listening: "Frances Farmer Will have Her Revenge on Seattle," Nirvana
"Voice of the Voiceless," Rage Against the Machine
"Heresy," NIN
"No. 9," Hooverphonic
"4 out of 5," Soul Coughing
"Heaven Tonight," Hole
I'd rather be writing profusely
Considering: leaving early
Desiring: an idea

Of course it happens this way. I'm plagued by all sorts of ideas for entries to this journal to keep all you silent watchers entertained, but I'm too busy working to write anything down. Now that I've finished my work early I can't think of a bloody thing to write.

I got the oil changed on my car and the fuel injectors were cleaned. That was expensive. }:< Especially since what my car really needs is a new headlamp and fuel filter. But they didn't have the filter and didn't have time to run by AutoZone for the lamp.

I got a present for my Molasses today, but it wasn't what I expected. I still want to get him something else specific since the thing I got him today is tied to a date more than a month after his birthday (next Wed).

I got a couple of tickets over the weekend to the Tori concert next month, but totally forgot the real onsale on Sunday, until Monday. By then the tickets left weren't much better than the presale ones I have. So I guess I'll have to settle for just two this time. Just as well, my budget has been put under a bit of strain between a few birthdays and some travel plans.

Budgetting for Korea so far is going ok. But I still want to go to PA, and that's not something I've been really planning. Tickets aren't horribly expensive but it's a bundle of money I'd have to drop at once rather than meting it out the way I am for Korea. But I have been assured that I wouldn't have to get a hotel room. So that sounds very nice....

This past weekend was great fun as I got to attend the Old School Gamer reunion, aka Rob and Jen's wedding. It was super cool and the site was totally killer. I can't help but think outdoor weddings are the best. All that nature and shit... *grins* Plus my mom disapproves, so that's always a plus. *wink*

I don't think I've ever mentioned what I'd love for a wedding. Big huge red dress. super fancy, I like empire or empress styles. Love the outdoors, Spring is the best. Maybe up in Big Sur, off in some trail where you can see the ocean in the distance. Mixed religions, just to make sure };>

Then everyone adjorns to an outdoor pavillion with big tents and rugs if they want to go "inside." Then the party *really* starts. Dancing, music, maybe jugglers and fire-eaters. Go on for three days, like they're supposed to.

The music of course would switch off in styles, tehre would be gothy, angsty stuff, mariachi music, cause *duh* my family would be there, and then a minimum of sappy romantic stuff, and then some gospel and maybe some techno.

*happy sigh* My mom would hate it. Brilliant.

So anyway. I got to hang out with Rabbit and her friends and several knee-height children. They're really friggin cute, but damned if they didn't reinforce my opinion that I want my kids to come into the world able to hold a decent conversation and their liquor.

I did my taxes last night and couldn't find how much interest I paid to Sallie Mae last year. I was thinking of skipping it, but I knew the amount was substantial and therefore worth a bit if I want a good-sized return. Turns out it was over $800. The other school loan was barely over $100. Sheesh.

So I'll input that and send out my taxes prolly this weekend.

Tomorrow I'm going to see John Leguizamo at the Ahmanson with my sister, her friend Lauren and my Molasses. }:D

Friday we're out clubbing, Saturday I'll likely do a little shopping and hanging with Molasses and Sunday I have to poke some folks about hanging out.

I need to send an appeal for my suspencion. That's a whole entry in itself. It has more to do with political correction than anything and so there is plenty of fodder there. But I have to figure out *how* to send an appeal. I'm getting relatively little help on this. }:P

ok... I gotta head out now. You be good. }:>

PS - we have flat-screens at work! 19"!! They frickin RULE!!!!

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