Something to Do Before I Die

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Irish toasts...etc
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I may add to this throughout the day. I hope it's a good St Paddy's day for you.

Stolen Toasts:

Here's to absent friends and here's twice to absent enemies.

Here's to the light heart and the heavy hand.

Thirst is a shameless disease so here's to a shameful cure.

Here's to a wet night and a dry morning.

May we always have a clean shirt, a clean conscience, and a bob in the pocket.

May you be across Heaven's threshold before the old boy knows you're dead.

As far as I know none of my forebears have ever set foot on the Emerald Isle. I believe I may have come closest when I toured Scotland, Great Britain and Wales. But I'm trying to run away from reality and this seems apt.

Tonight I'll go to a party for a little while. Molasses is planning on being my stand-in at a meeting I'm not allowed to attend (if you don't understand, count your blessings). I have to get a light snack before going so I don't get messed up. Also have to get the Bailey's and something to mix it with. Look, it's Monday and I want to have a good time, not get smashed.

Then dinner with the bf.

I like Irish stuff. There's a strong commonality with Mexican habits, right down to drowning one's sorrow's in the drink and attending mass in the morning of a saint's feastday and then partying away the rest of the day. Ties to family and religion and our homeland (even if we've never seen it) are paramount and our art is often a loveletter to those who have gone before. We live our lives passionately, both hands can get covered in blood, sweat and/or tears but we wouldn't have it any other way.

There are groups who try to reach back, past the new religions that took over - christianity and materialism - and find something the ancients held as important and try to take a good look at it. Sometimes this is held as merely fashinable - celtic or chicano chic - sometimes the myriad of voices claiming to have found the "truth" about the ancient days is so cacophanous we clap our hands over our ears and grow stymied in a mishmash of modern and old-fashioned. But we won't give up looking.

Some days it's a good day to die, some days it's a day to drink green beer. };>

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