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somewhat down

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Listening: Telegram, Bjork

Ok, ok this isn't a real entry but 1) I can't think of anything to write 2) been a little down and desired a pick me up that isn't food.

Years roleplaying: 6
Favourite three characters? Veronika Ceylos (Vampire - Ventrue, Cam), Honors-the-Dead (werewolf - Silent Strider, metis, galliard) and um... prolly Sheila-Na-Gig (Mage - Virtual Adept, Reality Hacker)
Least favourite character? Lauren "Alec" McGuin (vampire - Pander, Sabbat)
Male or female characters? all female, though the case could be made that Dolores has no gender
Oldest character? uh. please define. the first was Veronika, but she barely made it past a year. Dolores is over five years in game now. Leah was 325 when I retired her.
Newest character? um a de la Croix ghoul. But I totally don't remember her name. oops. (only played once so far, don't have a record on this computer)
Most popular character? I have no idea.
Character you've never played? hmm. that one Brujah, or the one Malkavian

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? hmm. probably the ghoul. She's the only one it would hurt.
Get drunk and pass out? hmm prolly the ghoul again. I really need to find her name.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?
so long as unorthodox doesn't equal evil, Dolores. All the way. Set fire to a building, fill a room with gas, chop 'em to little bits. Whatever, so long they end up dead.
Be far too hyper for their own good? heh Lucia. Hands down. She's Nuwisha like that.
Rape somebody? urg. in terms of sexual assualt... prolly Alec. In terms of mind/emotion: Sheila/Lucia In terms of finances/legal issues: Leah
Be raped? With a significantly powerful foe any of them could be taken this way. But the ghoul and Sheila are the most vulnerable, but only if you take away Sheila's toys.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?
Bwah! Sheila! She doesn't get lost, dammit!
Get lung cancer? uh. I guess Sheila if she ever took up smoking. When I smoked I only played vampires. Since I don't smoke at games anymore my characters don't smoke either. And vampires are notoriously immune to cancer.
Star in a horror movie? well Dolores *LIVES* a frickin horror movie. But to actually star in one would be the ghoul.
Star in a whore movie? I assume you mean porn. Either the ghoul (BIG maybe), or Lucia after she changed her face.
Star in a video game? again, Dolores already pretty much does that. And so did Leah. Actually Leah might have been willing to work out a lucrative deal for this.... Of course, Sheila would program, design and play the fucker.
Make the world a better place? hmm toss up between Dolores and Lucia. silly were-do-gooders.
Have a torrid gay love affair? hah! Dolores!

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: ghoul
Hate: Roberta Kinkaide (vampire - Nosferatu, Camarilla)
Money: Leah Ruben (vampire - Caitiff, Camarilla)
Seduction: Lucia
Lies: Alec
Tragedy: Dolores
Manipulation: Lucia
Violence: Dolores
Politics: Veronika
Fire: Dolores
Ice: Sheila

Would you ever... (Hmm context is lacking for these questions...)
Play a prostitute? sure. sex just doesn't come in to games as much as you might think
Play a musician? if I wouldn't be bored, or bore others by talking about playing, but never playing
Play a pilot? totally. Sheila could be one easily.
Play a homosexual? If I found a character that was intersting, non-stereotypical and not vanilla.
Play a pedophile? uhh maybe. but I kind of doubt I could come up with the concept on my own. It could be part of something else. Like Sabbat always running off and doing evil things cause they're evil, but not cause there's actually a point to it.... In other words, probably but I doubt it would be much fun.
Play a politician? I'm trying...
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? err why would I need to play a character for that?

It's only been three weeks. I haven't really noticed being outside of the Cam. I haven't really had the time to miss it. That's pretty good....

But I sorta miss gaming, and I miss creating a story. I miss my gals. And I miss STing Mage (though at this point I wish I could wipe out the chronicle and start fresh). Blah.

Maybe I'll waste some time later and write up more "get-to-know-me's" for the other characters I haven't done yet. I think I only did Leah and Dolores. Leah's retired now and I never did Roberta or Sheila. Of course Lucia replaced Leah and I can't even recall the ghoul's name let alone anything all that important to her existence (besides who her regnant is).

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