Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: Dead Can Dance
I'd rather be: on a deserted island
Desiring: a light workload

blerg. That's what I feel like. With scrunched up shoulders, knitted eye-brows and tongue stuck out.

I was supposed to get up at a quarter to five so I could get into work by six. I had to get special dispensation for it, since they don't like us showing up before seven. This was so I could get out by 2:30 and hit the road before the rest of LA.

Not that it will make traffic suck less - it won't - but the idea is to travel up to the campsite before dark. Pitching a tent in the dark is a bitch and a half.

But of course my alarm fucks up and I happen to wake up at three minutes to six slightly confused and realize the reason I was groggily thinking "shouldn't I be up by now?" was because I SHOULD HAVE BEEN up by then. Arg.

so I skipped the shower and raced to work. No one was in, so no one knows I was technically late. Had some tough work to do but managed to slay it all before management even showed up.

At nine I got a couple of ladies assigned to "shadow" me to glean something from what I do. They're training to join my team from an international team that was recently dissolved so I had fun listening and speaking with them. One lady - more outgoing than the other - was German and stopped in the middle to talk to some departing friends. Some of the team had been temps who were dismissed. At least one of them is moving to Ecuador. I couldn't figure out much else since most of the conversation was in German. The other lady was very shy but incredibly beautiful (*sigh*) and French. She was sweet and also greeted the departing friends. At their good-bye she grasped one and kissed him on both cheeks.

Then they went away, and I not only had more work to do than when I first got in I was getting yelled at by a client advocate because I won't work on a task because the site doesn't work right (they sell pharmaceuticals but the "buy" buttons don't work). She insisted that the client (in Texas) could make the site work and insinuated to my manager that I was stalling. blerg.

Then the lady that assigns me part of my work kept adding to my list of things to do for the day. I finally had enough and went to tell her to knock it off. She might outrank me in some sense, but the special dispensation I got to come in so early today included emailing the people who send me work to advise them to assign the stuff the night before.

So in some theoretical sense she should have sent me ANY work she wanted me to do today so I could have my day set when I got in. Instead she only sent enough to tide me over until she got in - at nine. Then she sent me more.

This is a huge pain because I like to know all of the work I'm going to be doing in a day within a few minutes of walking in the door. I don't mind a few "rush" surprises every now and then, but HATE never being able to plan my day.

Not to mention the lady only gives me PART of my work. This other guy, Bruce, (aka Darth Vader, aka Mr Fabulous, aka The One Guy in Management Who Knows What He's Doing) gives me the rest of my workload. He's a frickin workhorse and gets in by six almost everyday. But the set-up is that I get the work that is a priority from the lady, then I estimate how long that will take and then notify Bruce how much time I'll have left for his work.

Is it just me or is it fucked up to get the work that is of lesser priority from the guy who gets in earlier in the day? Blerg.

(Update: got an email from the advocate who says the site isn't working because of a technical issue on our end. I don't even know what the hell she's talking about - something about Internet certificates or something - but she wants to know what I can do to get around it. Short of doing this assignment at my home computer, I have no fucking clue.)

Finally I'm working my ass off on some crappy sites when Molasses calls me. He's in hurry so when I start to tell him how shitty everything is he cuts me off to tell me his boss realized how early he came in and heard we were going camping, so he told Molasses to feel free to leave. BLARG.

I just hate...I'm so... ARG....just... flame! flames!! at the side of my head! just. so. angry!! Arg!

I really don't feel like being social. I wouldn't mind leaving town for a little bit but.... *sigh* I only vaguely feel like camping.

oh and it's probably gonna rain. wouldn't mind it if I were in the city, but don't really want to face it somewhere away from civilization.


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