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Fat of the Land, Prodigy
Whalerider soundtrack
Mentally Replaying: today's news
Enjoying: chicken dumpling soup

So the job search proceeds slowly, mostly because I've been unable to find my resume. I think I'll ask HR for a copy on the pretense of sending up for an internal transfer and hope they don't offer to send it themselves. There are some internal places I'd like to move to, but none that will switch my management.

Most of my work history pre- this job is very different from what I've been doing here. It was low-wage data entry or retail. I'd rather keep on with copywriting, as it's somewhat creative, I can determine the look of what I want to do and I can hide away at my desk and not get bothered by customers or bosses who want a lackey to do their job for them. Plus it just plain pays better.

But potential employers want to know what you did two or three jobs ago, unless you've done enough different stuff in your current job to fill up your CV. I've really only had one promotion, so that doesn't really cut it. It probably won't look good that my previous jobs for the year preceeding my current job were temp gigs, but there's little I can do about that.

Then again it's also painful that the current job market is really thin. i've thought about signing on with a headhunter or something but I'm hesitant to spend the time or money. Not to mention the other considerations regarding money and rash action.

My apartment rent is going up. It would be hard to stay here more than a month or two with no income. My car costs are nearly $400 per month and the gym I've joined is another $40ish extra.

Then there is that whole trying-to-do-some-damned-theatre thing. Recently I feel like I've forgotten what's so great about it. I look around and think I could almost trick myself into living out a wage slave's life and being ok with it. It's not like trying to change the world will actually work. Politics happen and the Middle East will be in a crisis whether or not I listen to the news. Movies will suck and the theatre will continue to whither away with or without me. It will make no great difference to the universe if I take a stand or take a seat, get hitched and pop out a few kids.

But eventually I come to my senses. I remember some of the magic I saw first hand in tiny little black boxes. I saw how minds and hearts can be swayed, how information gets around, and how utterly stupid I feel when I wander into a political debate unarmed. This year I've finally gotten a lot of my act together in terms of settling a fulltime income so that I can persue the more important bits. I haven't gotten much done in terms of doing theatre, but it would be a huge set back to be without a job.

Clearly, I need to win the lottery.


Tomorrow is the recall vote so I need to get into work early so as to arrange to sit in traffic for a couple hours to get to my polling place. I haven't re-registered yet so it's Fullerton. I definately need to do that before the cut off for November. The deadline for this vote passed while I was on vacation. I don't want to switch it just yet for fear of some paperwork snafu.

I'm trying to gird myself for hearing that Schwarzenneggar won the vote (I'm just trying to learn how to spell his damned name which is a must if he wins). I don't want it to happen but still...gotta prepare for the worst. Of course, it'll still take a few weeks to be certain of the winner and then there'll be some legal challenges....

Elsewhere on the news was the report that the USAF are sure that El Qaeda have been moving into Iraq and have been responsible for some of the attacks. This is noteworthy to me because none of these sorts of attacks have been happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan, presumably Al Qaeda's home turf. I wonder why that is. The American soldiers are more concentrated in Iraq, whereas they're spread out along the Afghani-Pakistani border. NATO holds Kabul and has made noises about expanding beyond the capital ('bout friggin time).

I forget where I was going with this, only that I find it a little weird.... Maybe there are more useful armaments in IRaq than what was available in the home turf? Maybe AQ was already there?

Anyway I'm bored now...

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