Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: Uh Huh Her, PJ Harvey
Mentally Replaying: last night's movie

NOTE: If you like PJ Harvey, or rock music, get Uh Huh Her. Don't ask, just do it. You'll thank me later.

A tale of weird ass dreams. There was much more to it than this but what stands out is: I was in some kind of tool shed or garage and I opened a box, maybe to get a tool out. There was some utility in it, not curiosity a la Pandora.

Out flew many bugs, odd red triangular things with stingers. I knew that they wouldn't sting unless troubled but I still had to get away and tell other folks to move. I saw them landing on my arms and then the world went...swimmy. sorta blurry and time stopped existing. I came to in a sunny place (as opposed to the dark shed). I'm not sure where it was. Maybe a garden or park and I asked someone what happened. My boyfriend came up and told me I had been semi comatose for three years. They showed me a sort of living coffin I had to be kept in. When I was concious but not aware I would laugh hysterically, screeching and terrifying my caregivers. The madness in my face and voice during the fits made everyone cautious when I seemed aware. When I was "lucid" I couldn't remember what had happened during the fits, I was perfectly calm in the coffin and occasionally asked for something to drink. The madness had been slipping and I was allowed to walk outside with escorts under the hope that the poison was finally letting go of my mind and I would "wake up" for good. Somehow when sanity returned to me they didn't question the lucidity and I was free to go. I still had big angry red scabs where the bugs had stung me.

Simply bizarre. I don't remember any pain. I don't recognize the bugs and I have a mild phobia of tiny places like coffins. Between being stung and coming back to myself no time seemed to pass and being told of the intervening three years was like hearing about someone else. But I do recall being glad I had no memory of the lucid states. *shakes head*


In other news I watched Stepford Wives last night. Updated very nearly to the point of being so last week with a sharp wit that is nearly (but not quite) caustic. It's entertaining but geared to somewhat older women. Than me, anyway. And if you see it try not to think of how they did it. You'll just hurt something.

I said "oh my God" a bunch of times. At first because of determined opulence and...well. See the movie.

Oh, and Glenn Close and Christopher Walken are frickin brilliant.


Tha Brutha Man is out visiting. It's odd and neat and titch expensive. My money situation is more or less sucky right now. I won't be able to make it to my next paycheck without getting into my savings. Payday is next week. bugger.

there's too much going on in my life right now. Nothing I really want going on and...I dunno. I'm just tired and I can't remember what it was taht I did want from my life let alone how to achieve it.

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