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These Days - You Might Feel a Shaft
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Listening: Heavent's Dust, Ekova

crazy, crazy fun weekend.

Wine tasting Friday night. Yep, drinking makes it easier to be friendly with people I don't know. Especially when the sommelier ups the flight from five to eight + champagne and encourages people taking seconds from time to time. Walked away with a darned good Malbec and the two others I liked will be available in March.

Danced off my buzz listening to lots of blues music and considering and reconsidering the phrase "walking double entendre."

Could barely get up on Sat. No hangover, just lack of energy. But finally got my crap together to head up to see Marienne and head out to Fry's. Picked up our many odds and ends (including my cable modem).

Upon discovering the game was cancelled for Sat. evening we set about (well I suggested and Marienne agreed) contacting peeps in/near/long shot to the LBC and suggesting dinner. Ended up reaching Pandora but the Ice Cream Assassin already had plans. Talked to old Molasses who offered a definate maybe (turned out to be "sorry, no") and tried but failed to reach Faith. Space Dog was interested but busy and we figured other folks would be busy.... To kill time I gave Marienne a mini walking tour of downtown LBC (mostly Pine) and the Pike, harbor marina and Shoreline Village. Enjoyed the sites, picked up candy and headed back up intending to collect Pandora on our way to sushi.

Headed toward Belmont Shore, down Junipero, 1.5 blocks north of 4th when Faith called up and noted she was stranded in the LBC. I asked where and laughed when she said Ports. 1.5 blocks later I pulled up to Ports and she hopped in. She said Sushisaurus would be great for dinner and so we headed off. (She can tell you why she was stranded in the LBC. She has a great txtmsg for it.)

Round robbin chatting, handroll, soft shell crab, Pink Panthers, sake and the occasional phone call from a male counterpart of some sort for an hour or more. Fun, fun. }:>

Back to my place to hang and chat, mostly seated on the floor. I offered milk or Scotch but no one was inclined. Much, much more chatting as associated male forces encroached. Space Dog finally made it down and joined us for the insanity. JH & the Russian called to tell Marienne they were going to a party in SD and were taking her with them. She said ok so I told the Russian how to find my place. Dickass finally txt'd Faith back and Jayde called once or twice. The Ice Cream Assassin called up Pandora to determine her status and eventually came over though only hung out on the sidewalk for a bit before departing with her.

And then there were three. Space Dog, Faith and I determined we were chillier than necessary and peckish so we headed off to the Shorehouse for chatting and breakfast at 2am. Finally as we were fading fast Faith noted she was fine with crashing wherever, better than making one of us drive her into LA at that hour. Space Dog noted he actually had furniture for the crashing so that's where we went. Exhaustion makes much beyond that a bit hazy but there were maybe three hours of sleep then I got up at seven and headed out.

Cable Hookup Dude showed up just shy of nine, put a hole in my wall to connect my system to the box immediately outside my apartment. He was friendly and efficient and all tatt'd up so I sat quietly drinking coffee and trying desperatly not to stare at the tatts. Minimum of fuss and he was done by 10. Headed to mass afterward and then returned to Space Dog's place where Faith was still sleeping.

Launched into a new day around noon at the Auld Dubliner down on the Pike. Then Borders for a little then showed them the Casa Vino and The Cave. Returned ultimately to Portfolio to sit, smoke, drink and chat even more. But tiredness was catching up and it was time to go be quiet and less social. Parted with Faith and started walking back to the car. on the way ran into Josephine and stopped to say "hey" and "we should hang out more." She directed our attention to the Angel back at Ports, seated at the bench in front. We waved at him but noted certain alarming melting going on in the brain pans and the need to turtle up for the night. Maybe not using those words but she understood.

Not much more chatting for Space Dog & me. Hung out pleasantly and watched Edward Scissorhands and half of Young Frankenstein before I finally passed out. There seemed to be some trouble in getting pizza but Space Dog straightened it out (I was aware of requesting pizza and handing over money for it then he had to leave for a bit. Seemed to me he returned with pizza but he said differently.) I devoured a few slices before *really* calling it a night.

.... and then it was morning and I came in to work.

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