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Nobody Something to Do Before I Die 649486 Curiosities served |
2007-08-01 11:34 PM Random Thoughts and a Quiz Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) Listening: Revolver, The Beatles
Uno, Dos Bandera, Control Machete Finally got the August schedule for Midsummer. I was hoping it would make it more clear if I could take Bonnie's Saturday classes or not, but it just doesn't. Isn't that they way? *sigh* the 18th is booked up solid but I don't know if the same goes for the 25th. If both of them are out then I would certainly bow out. Then again the class extends into September and while there's no way I have a hint of scheduling for then...Midsummer goes into tech and opens at the end of the month, so I should assume they'll at least want all hands they can get. Urg. Happy hour for both months is looking mighty iffy. Still zealously guarding Bat's Day. (aside: I always wish "Eleanor Rigby" were a longer song. I know it's perfect at the length it is, but always ends so quickly...) trying to get some organization into my life so the days don't get frittered away. I'm rather on the awful side of that. It's really starting to bother me and I hope that means I get organized just to spite myself. Well I can hope. Maybe I'll get spurred to clean if I can trick people to come visit... The staged reading was interesting and a good learning experience if nothing else. I don't think it went poorly, but I know it could have been cleaner. But everyone was supportive and the author watched it both nights and seemed pleased. I do wish we could get to the Director's Lab already. So many foundational steps to get through and I want to run off cap off my castle NOW.... I know. I need to be patient. But I also need experience. It's just showing up at a trickle. do you have any idea how bad I just want to run off to the UK tomorrow? Fringe is just about here if it hasn't started yet. Not that I've ever been. but I will. someday. But first things first: I have to prep for the CBEST that's in a little over a week. I have to get my old stock shares switched and hope the state of California hasn't claimed them as lost property. (Heard a news story on this earlier today. Made me very cranky.) Have to try soliciting work as an editor. I'm hoping for working on book manuscripts/proofs. We'll see. I've taken to dreaming big. And I'm trying to skip the part where I second guess myself. anyway, here's fun quiz from RAB: 1. You and Jesus go out to dinner - who pays? Where would we go eat out?! I should think we would eat in. It just seems more... well humble and at the same time respectful. Then it just depends on whose house. I know the feast will be better at his father's house...but I probably have more soup. 2. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt an alias; what is it? heh. Frida Hepburn 3. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently? The ones where you're encouraged to not think for yourself. 4. You wake up as the opposite gender - what's the one thing you want to try? guh. Well, for silliness I'd like to try just running and jumping around with no pants on. I just don't get how that works. How do fellas not get all tangled up? But more seriously, I really, really, REALLY want to know what it's like to walk down the street and get sized up for potential fighting prowess and command of income as opposed to how I'll react to a "hey baby" and the like, which is what I currently get. 5. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? Dude. Han. He'd know where all the good parties are. 6. Toy you always wanted but never got as a child? Whatever my brother got - Matchbox cars & Transformers, etc. 7. Top three celebrities you want to do? ehm... "do"?? *ahem* There are few number of famous talents out there that I would be pleased to work with. Since the question insinuates attraction I'll note that I'm strongly attracted to talent and intelligence. Ergo really liking Alan Rickman and Geoffrey Rush. And Emma Thompson, Gael Garcia Bernal, Cristina Scabbia, Cate Blanchett and Peter Murphy. Ok... Peter Murphy's on here because he is a sex god. um.. moving on... 8. What's an automatic deal breaker in a potential significant other? I want to say it really depends, but I guess some really obvious basics are: little to no interest in who I really am and little to no interest in showing me around in his or her life, a lack of faith in us, and failure to appreciate the utmost importance of trust. E.g. I won't waste my time on someone I can't trust and if I find I'm not trusted, I'm gone. (FYI- trust does not extend merely to matters of fidelity.) 9. What is the last movie you saw that actually scared you? Hah! I can let just about any movie scare me. I don't like intentionally scary movies for this reason. I don't like feeling scared, I don't like jumping halfway out of my skin because what's on the screen and then being terrified for the rest of the night. And I do mean ANY movie. I just watched The Secret of Roan Inish a few nights ago and was really nervous of every shadowy corner that loomed behind the child protagonist. And let me tell you the movie would have been more interesting if monsters had come out and attacked her. that was a really boring, saccharine family movie (meaning, "shan't scare the children. Just Nobody"). I throw myself wholly, or as much as I can, into every movie or story or whatever. So a movie has really work at sucking for me. I like comedies other people think are bland and yes, I get scared during really vanilla stories. 10. Stupidest thing you've ever said out loud? Right now I can only think of the times it was really stupid of me to stay quiet. 11. You're sentenced to death and its the morning of your execution what's your last meal? Good spaghetti. At least as good as my mom's. Get her recipe. It may take my death sentence to get it from her, too. I've been trying for years now. 12. What's something that you've done that most people haven't? Walked down the Way of the Dead in Teotihuacan during a thunderstorm. 13. What's something that most people do that you've never done? hm. I don't know? A few weeks ago I could have said "read a HArry Potter book" but now that's no good... 14. Before you die you want to go to...? Nirvana 15. Something you'd really like to do but probably wont ever be able to do? heh. see #14. Satori would be pretty cool. Especially if it lasts. 16. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet? Eek! None! Wild animals are NOT for pet making!! Jeez. As it is I'm not wild about the domestication of the animals we have turned into pets. Animals lose something vital when they become dependent on humans. And in any case I've never really had a pet and figure I likely never will. 17. A drug you'll never try? Recreationally - Heroin. I'll use any prescription drug a doctor directs me toward. In my life I've been on a morphine drip once and I know what hell I would have been in without it. 18. If you were an animal what would you be? hm. El pajaro choi. You didn't say it couldn't be a legendary animal. 19. If you had to marry someone you knew at the age of 12 who would it be? Um… someone I knew when *I* was 12, or someone I knew when *they* were 12? (Good question! though I think there was this boy that I had a crush on back then. Rather over that now.) 20. What's something most people don't know about you? I don't really know. There's the stuff that I guard carefully and only let a few people in on (and thus I'm not going to publish it) and then there's the rest which I don't really track much. Then again we could get semantic and say "most" people don't know me, and thus the answer would be "everything." 21. First celebrity crush? I so can't remember. I do recall than when I was a kid having a crush and admitting it was throwing open the door to all kinds of teasing. And since I never learned to take teasing well I hid stuff like that away, to the extent that I didn't admit it to myself. So the chances are good I denied any such thing to the point of convincing myself I fostered no such feelings. 22. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities? ehm. A war hammer? 23. Favorite breakfast bread style (pancakes, waffles, toast etc...)? English muffins. toasted to a gentle crisp. 24. Worst way to die? If I've ever died before I don't recall so I'm afraid I have nothing to compare. But I would really like to avoid going suddenly and with no way to control a single thing. Strangling, drowning and asphyxiating by poisonous gas are particular fears of mine. 25. Grossest injury you've ever seen? That I've personally seen with my own two eyes: I think I was in the third grade when a kid who was out playing during recess slid out in the field and had his leg ripped open by a protruding root. It was fascinating at least because the skin broke open so evenly and I could see the white sinews and bone. Though I had a similar wound on my left foot when, post surgery, the site became infected and the stitches had to be removed so the thing could be washed on a daily basis. That was mildly ooky the first couple of days. But then it got fascinating too. 26. The worst injury you've ever had? Well there is the scars on my feet from surgery. But the worst I've ever been through was actually from an injury that was microns in size. I was on an IV drip thanks to the infection and the site in my left arm became dislodged. the tube ripped my vein just a tiniest bit. You wouldn't be able to see the hole without a microscope. Teeny. But every time the drip pumped something through - morphine, saline or antibiotics, the pain from the stuff hitting the edge and outside of the vein is simply indescribable. My screaming forced my dad to leave the house because he couldn't take hearing me in pain. 27. Favorite thing about Thanksgiving? orange things to eat. It's really a fall thing I guess. But I really like pumpkin pie and yams. 28. Sport you hate the most? I find baseball and golf utterly boring. but someone explain to me how NASCAR driving and poker are now "sports"? 29. What city in the U.S. do you want to visit? Most of them. I'd especially like to re-visit Harrisburg and Boston right now. Got friends there. 30. What's something you think would be sweet to know everything about? I don't think it's possible to know everything about something. But there are several subjects on which I would love to advance my knowledge considerably. A few include theatre (theory and practice), philosophy (right now: existentialism, hyperreality, dualism and determinism), history (I'm not picky on specialties here, I love stories too much), religion (any of 'em, but I'd like to know more about Catholicism especially - can I tell you how much it irks me when people present themselves as Catholic experts because they "grew up Catholic?" More than half of what I know about Catholicism I've learned in the past five years, and I was baptized when I was a few months old.) 31. Favorite Actor/Actress: Meh. there's no way I could pick a true favorite. 32. What's one phrase you absolutely detest? Hm. Anything that's dismissive of other people. I'm trying to think of something appropriate. Ok, just as an example "That's so gay!" It's linked, of course, to something affecting homosexuality - usually implying something effeminate that should be more masculine - but it's come to just be a put down these days. I particulairly don't like it when people use it and then expect to be exempted from my ire because they are or have friends who are homosexual. Oh, and on that note, just about any time someone starts with "I'm not [racist/sexist/elitist], but..." they get a snort of cynicism from me. 33. What makes an awesome party? Being in the right headspace for it. 34. What's your favorite material obsession? em... wine. Probably. 35. What's something most would consider an insult but you enjoy having said about you? Seems to me that being calling "intelligent" is often an insult in this country. And "progressive" at times, too. 36. Favorite kind of dog? Fluffy, friendly kinds that don't spend their days yapping at everything that moves. 37. Favorite carnival food (everyone has one)? grilled corn on the cob. *drools* 38. Morning or night person? Night! 39. Worst habit? Tying my emotional wellbeing to inherently unstable people. (trust me, I'm working on this) 40. Weirdest eBay purchase? I don't know. I haven't bought anything from eBay in years. I think I mainly bought presents for other people. 41. Favorite food to eat when you're wasted? No favorites, but horrible Tommy’s chiliburger and chili cheese fries is a good option. (God yes! What is it about Tommyburgers when I'm already half way to tossing my cookies as it is?! And yet they sound perfectly reasonable at 3am when I'm wasted.) 42. Its Saturday at 3am where are you? Usually in bed or headed there. You with dirty minds can fill in with *whose* bed that would be. 43. Who's your favorite friend to go out with? Go out where? *shrug* who ever is available and wants to come with, really. 44. Worst job you've ever had? meh. Probably the Tower gig. Wasn't that horrible, really, just shitty pay + zero respect.... 45. Favorite board game? I don't like board games all that much, but I'm always up for a round or five of Guillotine 46. What's something your friends make fun of you for? I don't think my friends make fun of me for much. Maybe I've scared them. But it's just as well. I don't like being teased. 47. Favorite cereal? cream of wheat 48. Book you could read repeatedly? oh several: the Sandman books, many a Shakespeare or Tom Stoppard play, I really want to reread Borderlands. *sigh* 49. What's the meanest thing you've ever done? I definately don't like being mean. But I know I've intentionally turned away when someone was asking for my help. *sigh* I don't like that so I try to be more conscientious and unselfish. I know I fail, but there's always more opportunities to try.... 50. If you had to pick between being in love or money, which would it be? I have money right now. I know it won't last, but I can affect my income opportunities at least somewhat. I'd like love, but it would have to be mutually respectful. So my answer is ...whichever makes my life more satisfying. *shrug* Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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