NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-05-01 10:48 PM A Project for my Chorus Committee I serve on the Music and Artistic Development Committee of my gay men's chorus. We do the vision thing for the group at an artistic level.
One of our current visioning projects is to collect from the membership answers to the following question: Describe your ten most memorable artistic experiences. By artistic experiences we mean: any encounter with fine arts, performing arts, theatre, concert, book, film, photographic collection, or any other exhibition of artistic expression. What we are trying to find out is what engages people...what artistic experiences will people most want to experience... It got me would the handful of you who read this little blog respond to this same what do we most respond artistically? Here's how I answered the no particular order. 1. The Bette Midler Millenium Tour, Houston. More energy and talent and fun expressed in two hours than I have ever seen. Moments of beauty and heart, moments of sheer joy and hilarity. She is THE master. 2. Schindler's List Masterful filmaking. I have just two words for you..."pink coat." 3. David Lamotte, Eddie's Attic, Decatur, GA (2003) Politics, love, fun, faith, humor...all with great music and in the company of great friends. 4. The Tower of Shtetl Photos, The Holocaust Museum, Washington, D.C. You walk through them twice...once it is a glimpse at daily life in the early 30's...and the next time you learn that the entire village was sent to the camps. Powerful, devastating, lingering in our minds forever. 5. Yo-Yo Ma and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 2004 The man comes the closest to turning a relationship between musician and instrument into a romantic coupling than I have ever seen. His genius is palpable and his musicianship unmatched. 6. Les Miserables (San Francisco) The tour was resident there for weeks and this was their last night...Chuck Wagner as Javert...Dave Cummings as Valjean...Second Row center seat...Funnest night I spent alone since I can remember. 7. Naked Boys Singing, New York City Surprisingly good music, fun spirit, and well... 8. Love, Valour, Compassion Naked Boys Acting. Actually, the play is fantastic and the ensemble acting was tranporting. 9. The Hours A truly great novel for our time. 10. Angels in America (HBO) The best television production I've ever seen. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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