NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-05-17 4:17 PM The Meme of Threes....for Trinity Sunday... Thanks to reverendmother, and indirectly, to jo(e) for this... Three names you go by: (or at least what people call me) Father--(When I'm in my collar.) Comes with the territory in Chicago....the great RC assumption. Pastor (my first name)--What most folks around here who refuse to just call me by my first name call me...and they shorten it to Pastor. Darlin'--an ex used to call me this. It made me melt. Three screen names you've had: NotShyChiRev ChicagoRev Dirktex (remember chat rooms in the 90's?) This sounded good for some odd reason. Three physical things you like about yourself: My grey-blue eyes. My resonant, but relatively pleasant, voice. My generally very sensitive sense of touch. Three physical things you dislike about yourself: I'm blind as a bat. I'm big as a house. I have ugly feet. Three parts of your heritage: German (maternal gf) Scotch/Irish (paternal) Cajun/Native American/English (maternal gm) Three things you are wearing right now: Black leather Rockport Dressports H20 tassle loafers, size 9M Black mesh and chrome belt, size 44--only fits now cuz its mesh. :-) Black dockers with matching black and tan dockers golf shirt. Three favorite bands/musical artists: Andrea Marcovicci--she's incredible. Cast of Avenue Q Chicago Gay Men's Chorus The last three songs you listened to: 3 songs from the upcoming CGMC concert: Tulip Time Istanbul not Constantinople Walk Like an Egyptian (sense a theme?) Three things you want in a relationship: Laughter Compassionate, intelligent talks Moments of shared silence holding one another. Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeals to you: Bright eyes a generally hirsute appearance a medium to low voice Three of your favorite hobbies: Writing Reading Watching cooking shows Three things you want to do really badly right now: Nap Not lead the Session meeting tonight. Be debt-free. Three things that scare you: My father's reaction to his chemo and radiation The current administration Any bug that ventures into my bed. Three of your everyday essentials: Head and Shoulders everyday formula Flonase Morning Edition on NPR Three careers you have considered or are considering: (oddly all stolen, but accurately, from RM) Actor in Broadway musicals College professor Bookstore owner Three places you want to go on vacation: Provence Australia Scotland (inc. Iona) and the Lake District of England Three kids' names you like: Charlotte Jeremy Hermione Three things you want to do before you die: Get married (to a man, of course) Travel on a train in style for a long distance. Cruise around the world. Three ways you are stereotypically a boy: I am a slob. I usually have short hair. I will rewear underwear if necessity demands it. Three ways you are stereotypically a girl: (So sue me.) I love to shop. I want people to like me. (RM says this is girl-like.) I think that Jude Law is scrumptious. Three celebrity crushes: Jude Law Ewan McGregor 2xist underwear spokesmodel Rafael Verga Three people I would like to see take this quiz: All who would probably will. Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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