NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2006-02-27 4:42 PM TWiH....A Public Service.... This Week in Homosexuality
a periodic update for the benefit of the rest of the world... 1. YOUR RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE MOMENT OF THE WEEK (American version): A Christian clothing company is producing a t-shirt featuring Moses looking down on gay cowboys dancing around a golden calf with this slogan: "In his anger, Moses BROKE the two tablets of stone that the Ten Commandments were written on while walking BACK down the MOUNTAIN." Clever, no? Um...No. (Hey my silk screening sisters and brothers, last time I checked, the big ten were silent on homosexuality.) 2. YOUR RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE MOMENT OF THE WEEK (International version): The Anglican Archbishop of Nigeria is publicly supporting a bill that would criminalize any depiction of, description of, positive reference to, or public statement in support of same-sex love with FIVE YEARS imprisonment. Anglican priests attending the birthday celebration of Zimbabwe's Mugabi cheered his call for the arrest and jailing of ministers who bless same sex unions. Now that's what I call pastoral sensitivity. 3. YOUR OLYMPIC MOMENT: Randy Gardner, of Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner Olympic fame, is now openly discussing his long-term relationship with a man and the loving support his 20 plus year skating partner Ms. Babilonia has provided. He is now one of the coach/choreographers on Skating with the Stars. 4. YOUR MOMENT OF ZEN: In Ohio, where a few weeks ago a bill was introduced to ban GLBT folk from adopting or serving as foster parents, a bill has been proposed that would ban Republicans from adoption or fostering. The tongue-in-cheek proposal suggests that children raised in Republican households are more at risk for developing "emotional problems, social stigmas, inflated egos, and alarming lack of tolerance for others they deem different than themselves and an air of overconfidence to mask their insecurities." 5. YOUR PLANS FOR THE WEEKEND AFTER EASTER: That Friday and Saturday evening, ChicagoRev will co-star as Sethi I, father of Ramses II and adoptive uncle of Moses, in a world premiere, "The Ten Commandments: The Musical." If one attends (tickets available soon from Ticketmaster, just search for 'Chicago Gay Men's Chorus'), one will see and hear ChicagoRev bring the house down with an Act One production number sure to offend someone (who knew the Hermaphrodites shared territory with the Midianites?) and a death scene that will be remembered for moments to come. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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