Very Occasional Thoughts

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My brother, John
My sister, Ellen
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Whole Bunch of Questions
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Name four things that you wished you had:
[x] A driver's license.
[x] A winning lottery ticket.
[x] Free time.
[x] More patience.

[x] Hair- Dark brown.
[x] Height- 5'8".
[x] Eyes- Brown.
[x] Worst feature- My back. It curves weird, and makes my stomach stick out.
[x] Favorite Feature- My beard.

Who do I want to:
[x] Kill- The secretary in the Operating Room who couldn't find her ass with both hands if her life depended on it, and so keeps calling me and asking me inane questions.
[x] Hear From- My brother John. I think he's shipping out again to Iraq soon, and while I don't relish or look forward to the normal was the conversation always starts before such an event ("look Rob, in case something happens, you're the executor of my will..."), it's always good to shoot the breeze with him.
[x] Look Like- I kind of like the way I look, save for the before-mentioned curved back.
[x] Be like- My grandfather. He was never timid about speaking his mind, while I'm usually pretty (overly) reserved about that.

Four things that you should not do to me or while around me:
[x] Call me "stupid". It's a pet peeve of mine.
[x] Evangelize at me. I've got no problems with people and their religious beliefs, but if you're going to cram them down my throat when I'm trying to do something, then I'll try that much harder to ignore you completely. I'm quite content with my religious beliefs, thankyouverymuch.
[x] Interrupt me, unless it's for a good reason. It's absolutely insulting to have someone just start speaking over you.
[x] Speak poorly about my friends. I've spent a good amount of time making friendships with certain people, and to talk trash about them in front of my face is just plain wrong.

Do I:
[x] Smoke- Never have.
[x] Drink- On occasion.
[x] Sleep with a "stuffie"- Only if that stuffie doesn't get the hell out of my way when I'm going to bed.
[x] Have a dream that keeps coming back- Not anymore. when I was younger (about 6 or 7), I had the same nightmare every night for two and a half weeks. Freaked the hell out of me.
[x] Believe that there is life on other planets- Yep.
[x] Read the newspaper- No, I just check the news online.
[x] Have a gay or lesbian friend- Several.
[x] Believe in miracles- I believe in extremely good luck at extremely opportune times. If you want to call that a miracle, fine by me.
[x] Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever- Yep.
[x] Consider the police a foe or a friend- Here in Los Angeles? Please.
[x] Like the taste of alcohol- Depends on the alcohol. Something like Everclear, no way. But I'm a sucker for drinks with actual flavor, especially Bailey's.
[x] Believe in astrology- Stars that are zillions of miles away are affecting my life, from the day I was born? Ummm... no.
[x] Pray- I have my moments.
[x] Go to church- Nope. Used to, when I was a kid, but having Catholicism crammed down your throat sours a person to the pomp and circumstance of the whole thing. I'll talk to god, without some robed guy telling me how to.
[x] Have any secrets- Only from certain people.
[x] Have any pets- Amber and Sydney, our cats.
[x] Go to or plan on going to college- Went already.
[x] Wear hats- I used to wear baseball caps everywhere, but haven't worn one in years.
[x] Have a degree- Sadly, no.
[x] Have any piercings- Nope.
[x] Hate yourself- On occasion.
[x] Wish on stars- Yes.
[x] Like your hand writing- If I have the time to write something at a reasonable rate, I like it. Faster than normal, and it just sort of degenerates into scrawl.
[x] Believe in satan- No.
[x] Believe in witches- Definitely.
[x] Believe in ghosts- Yes.
[x] Believe in vampires- I used to game with some! :)
[x] Trust others easily- Yes.
[x] Like sarcasm- When it's not being used against me.
[x] Take walks in the rain- Not if I can help it. Riding buses in the rain is a different matter.

Physical Features That I Admire In Other People:
[x] Expressive eyes. I know people whose eyes are just dull, bland orbs of vision-granting foo, and I know people whose eyes practically say more than their mouths. I'm for the second group.

[x] X-Men
[x] Calvin and Hobbes
[x] The Far Side

[x] Crystal Method
[x] Tool
[x] Nine Inch Nails
[x] Radiohead

TV Shows:
[x] Iron Chef
[x] WWE Wrestling
[x] Angel
[x] Baseball games

Kinds Of Clothing:
[x] At home, T-shirts and jeans
[x] At work, slacks and a button-up shirt

[x] The Usual Suspects
[x] The Empire Strikes Back
[x] Memento
[x] Ferris Beuller's Day Off

[x] Thai Iced Tea
[x] Water
[x] Apple Slice

Does your life suck?
[x] Actually, not really. Work blows, but life overall is pretty spiffy.

Do you get picked on at school?
[x] Grade school: Yup. I was a nerd.
[x] Junior High: Yup, I was a nerd.
[x] High School: Yup, I was a... hey, wait a minute.
[x] College: Nope, nobody knew I was a nerd! :)

Do you get beat up at school?
[x] I was stuffed in a locker once. There. I said it. It's off my chest.

Are you currently being cheated on?
[x] Nope.

Do you cut yourself?
[x] Only unintentionally. Like paper cuts.

Do you weigh 140 or less and think you are fat?
[x] No, I weigh about 180, and don't think I'm fat.

Do you binge and purge?
[x] Nope.

Do you starve yourself?
[x] I'm Italian. We like-a to eat-a. :)

Do you have a terminal disease?
[x] Gawd, I hope not.

How many people do you know with a terminal disease?
[x] Only a few.

How many people do you know who have recently died?
[x] None, thankfully.

Are/were they family members?
[x] Doesn't really apply.

Are your parents divorced?
[x] Noe, they're still together.

Do you not get along with your siblings?
[x] Most of the time, yes. although it's a lot easier to get along with someone when they live 3,000 miles away.

Do you feel less than beautiful?
[x] Always thought I was kind of average looking, very "face in the crowd". I suppose that's technically less than beautiful.

Do you have bad skin?
[x] Occasionally my face likes to think it's 14 again.

Are you an alcoholic?
[x] Nope.

Are you a heavy drug user?
[x] Nope.

Are you an attention whore?
[x] I wouldn't say so.

Are you a slut?
[x] Nope.

Do your ears stick out?
[x] Nope.

Is your penis small?
[x] *looks down* I don't think it is. At least average.


Are your breasts small?
[x] YES! Oh god, I need implants! :)

Can you afford the things you want?
[x] Not yet.

Can you afford the things you need?
[x] Yes, but I don't "need" much.

Have you been fired recently?
[x] Mercifully, no.

Are you missing a limb?
[x] No.

Are you pregnant?
[x] Er, no.

Do you overeat?
[x] At times. Like when Jen and I went to the Churrascaria in Burbank, and gorged ourselves on meat.

Do you have a learning disability?
[x] I have a short attention span. Does that count?

Are you a waste of space?
[x] I feel that way every so often.

What's your problem anyway?
[x] Not enough ninjas in the world.

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