Very Occasional Thoughts

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My wife, Jen
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Damn, it's hot out there!

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It's been over a month since I posted, and that's only partially because I'm a huge slacker. Journalscape is one of the sites that our firewalls at work have banned, so I can't post during the day, and in the evenings I'm usually too busy to post, what with doing things with my wife and watching the baby and all.

That's not to say that it's been an uneventful month. On the contrary, things have been happening, things so stupendous, so mind-bogglingly mighty, that I couldn't even find the words to post about them.

Or, I'm a slacker.

I had applied a while ago for a job at a hospital in Waukesha, and had gotten myself cautiously optimistic about it. Well, that fell through. They decided to go for an internal candidate instead and, while I've got one more lead to follow up on (a company called me yesterday asking to speak with me about an HR Analyst position in downtown Milwaukee), I was kind of looking forward to the hospital job. It would have been too perfect. But, life goes on.

Anyone clicking on the side "Email me" link may notice that my e-mail address has changed again. I discovered that Hotmail was an utter piece of fetid turd, and decided to finally take Kenny up on his offer to get a Gmail account. It works so much better than Hotmail, it's scary.

I've been attending physical therapy sessions for the past few weeks to deal with some pain in my left shoulder. When we had gone to Solvang a while back, Jen and I got massages. The next day, my left shoulder ached terribly and was very stiff. I hoped it would go away, but after a couple of weeks with no improvement, I buckled down and saw one of the orthopedic surgeons at the hospital. Apparently, the massage inflamed some of the bursa (soft tissue) in my shoulder joint, and that flares up and causes pain and stiffness. The therapy is helping - mostly weights and strength training, to strengthen the shoulder and keep the joint from slipping too much to rub against the injured area - and I'm definitely seeing improvement. The therapist has also recommended looking into accupuncture if the pain and stiffness doesnt totally subside in a few weeks.

It's hot as hell out there. (Yeah, man, but it's a dry heat!) My office closed down early today because all of our air conditioners blew out, and the department started getting unbearably warm. I think I saw a tree melt on the way home.

Gabriel is getting bigger by the day - he's at 14 1/2 pounds right now - and he's starting to teethe. He drools on everything, stuffs everything into his mouth (including, now, his own feet), is a lot crankier than he previously was, and doesn't sleep through the night as often as he did before. Next month we've been given the okay to start him on solid foods (rice cereal at first, then carrots to start), so people may start seeing photos of oddly colored, carrot-stained cats here soon.

Jen is still my soulmate, the love of my life, and the mother of our child. Some things just shouldn't change.

That's it for now. Maybe I'll post again within the next month.

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