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Nicky World

I am not that hated as you think I am. Just that your friends might hate my guts because I think outside the box.

Denial much? You ARE as hated as people think, Nick, and you deserve that hate.

You go chasing me around forum to forum because you don't have a life. Do the world a favor and buy yourself a life because it shows that you are the pathetic one around here.

Who doesn't have a life? The ones with jobs and actually EARN their money, or the lazy one that doesn't lift a damn finger because he can't handle even a simple (though not as simple as you think) "Do you want fries with that?" position?

's what I thought. You have no life, either, Nick, so I suggest you stop talking like you DO have one?

Why are you so determined to disprove that Tabloid Purposes doesn't deserve a place in the industry?

Because it DOESN'T deserve a place, it is, at most, a poorly put together children's book, that's all. And the editor is the Peter Pan of bad writing.

Perhaps some of the writers in there are more talented than you will ever be.

If they are, they would be smart to avoid you from now on. At least then they might have a career.

Keep talking your shit because you are not getting anywhere; go over to Andreas' journal and cry about it.

And now you're going to be obsessed with Andreas' journal? I've been there, and haven't seen any posts about you (their Journalscape, mind you)- are you trying to start shit with someone who couldn't care a less about you? Who'd rather believe you don't exist?

The industry doesn't need a reject like him poluting the genre with his shitty fiction.

Anymore than it needs YOU polluting your so called "genre's" with YOUR shitty fiction. Your so called horror stories, AREN'T SCARY. Your personal stories are even worse.

I read his story Glass

Heh, sure you did... just like you read mine, hmn?

... and that is the most boring story I've ever read.

You wouldn't know boring if it bit your tiny little dick.

There was nothing in it that grabbed the reader saying, "read me motherfucker!"

And like your so called stories do? Please, do yourself a favour and take off those rose colored glasses.

I became hated because I have the Me against the fucking world mentality, it was always like that long before I became a writer.

Quite likely, and about the only semi-true thing you've said yet. Unfortunately, such attitudes lead to the downfall of many a person. Only a SMART and STABLE person could pull off a "Me vs. World" attitude. You obviously are none of those.

You are the one that is the liar because I don't see any of your work out there -- or if it is, it deserves to be burned.

If anyone's work deserves to be burned - or urinated on for that matter (said it first, Nick :P) - it's yours. If only to save the poor people whose eyes you're intending on ruining, whose brains you're intending on shriveling to the size of a pea.

Sorry, Nick, but the rest of the world doesn't reside on Planet Nickolaus, and perhaps you should get with the program and realize that you just... out and out suck.

P.S - you know the rules, delete, it gets reposted.

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