Stacy My Journal 11975 Curiosities served |
2004-06-16 8:10 AM Still here Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: So-So Read/Post Comments (5) Okay, so I haven't gotten back to *regular* posting, but a posting twice in 30 days is pretty good, don't you think?
There's little to report, but yesterday I was at the day care until 7:30 putting together and moving new toys and furniture. There were a few other parents there, but most of the volunteers left at 6ish. I'd like to note that the ones that I hear complaining that our day care's toys are run down, or that the day care never gets new things for the kids, despite our outrageous day care payments, were pretty much no-shows. They're the same ones who don't participate in fundraisers, and who I've never seen at Parents' Association meetings. Hmm. That said, the day care looked great this morning. I left because it was getting close to Raime's bedtime, but I'm certain that to take the rooms from how they looked when I left to what they looked like this morning must have required several more hours on the parts of the center director and teachers, and the two (maybe three) parents who were still there when I left. Kudos to all of them. Work is getting to me. Not the fact that I'm overworked, but the fact that it's not challenging, and yet I'm still underpaid for it. Everyone here knows I'm overqualified for what I'm doing, and my director is willing to do anything he can to help me find placement in a position more appropriate to me within the state departments, but it's still very frustrating. For one, finding a position elsewhere will take at least a month to find and another month to process. In the meantime, I'm looking for part-time work to help my income (and there's another word I was looking for instead of "help", which starts with "sub", but which is currently eluding my grasp), and that's not been as promising as I'd hoped. I'm in competition with a whole lot of high school and college students who are home for the summer, so it's to be expected, but still aggravating. Oh well! Secondly, it's irritating to think, on a daily basis, that I spent 5+ years in college and over $100,000 to get a degree that has gotten me a job that I could have gotten as an intern between my junior and senior years of high school - and if I had, I would certainly be several classes and pay grades above where I am by now. Was college a bad decision? As far as career and economics, my sources point to yes. I hate feeling that way, because I loved college. I had a lot of great experiences, definitely grew as a person, and I made some amazing friends (some of them actually still talk to me!) I just wish I could have done the same stuff without the incurred debt. I guess that's what every college grad wishes for. And yet, I still dream of the day I get my PhD - and kick myself, because I would have had my Masters by now if I'd stuck to my guns. And, really, the only thing I have to complain about right now is the general lack of control I seem to have in my life - the financial problems, and this annoying weight thing that seems to bother me more than anyone else. I guess that's always how it is, though. I'm still thinner than I ever was in college. I found out on Saturday that my best friend from high school is moving back to PA in August. I was so happy I almost cried. I haven't called her back yet (she left me a voice mail) because my phone is pretty much defunct right now (battery is dead), but it's been on my mind. It'll be nice to have a friend around again. Well, I mean, other than the Mormons...(Shush, jS - you know what I mean!) I would like to come into a lot of money so I can go to Las Vegas. It's been a long, long time, and I miss it. Who wants to come?? Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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