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Noticeably Unusual To My Particular Life
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I had "one of those times" today.

I was explaining to an old friend, who I hadn't really seen in years, about a tragedy in my family that happened earlier this year.

My very wonderful Friend, my Brother, was murdered in his sleep and I miss him a lot. I will spare you the details.

I think I am beyond the tears now, and yet there they are, fresh. I miss you Brother!

Sometimes after telling a short version of this story like this, (and being duly moved emotionally), I have some experience which feels kind of strange? Not exactly. Weird? (Har! Many would consider MY whole LIFE weird... or maybe everybody feels that way inside...)

Well, let's say, "noticeably unusual to my particular life".

What happened to me tonight after I got home was that I was playing a game of GO on my PC, against the computer, a game which my Brother loved. In the end game, I had TWO sekis. A seki is an end group in which nobody wins and nobody loses. There are no prisoners and everybody lives! YEAH!

What is a little weird is that these groups are fairly rare, in that they do not occur VERY often, perhaps something like 20% of games. This figure is inaccurate no doubt, but somewhere in there. I'll try to keep a more accurate guesstimate over time.

Anyway, I cannot remember ever playing a game with TWO in the same endgame. My memory must serve over the course of nearly 40 years of playing GO, so I may have played one and been equally amazed that it happened, or perhaps read of such a game or something, or it may occur more often in much better player's games, no doubt, but not in my games against the computer or in thousands of my amateurish games.

Then, just when I started to write this, the phone kept ringing, going until the 4th ring, letting the answering machine start, and then hang up. Several times. And then I decided, that here I am thinking about communicating with someone, my Brother, and the phone kept ringing.

I answered it to know who was calling that didn't know we screen almost all calls to avoid solicitors. If you're a friend, just start talking and I pick up the phone!

It wasn't my Brother.

Hmmm. Thanks for virtually listening.

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